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Unit3My Friends 教学设计 unit3 My friends B Let’s learn 一、热身与复习 (Warm up and review) 1、Read the color words together .(show the word cards .) 2、Read and recite the words on page 25. 3、Introduce my friend .I have a friend .She is tall and thin . She is very friendly .She is beautiful .(出示两张有以上形象的两个女孩图片,因 为无法区分,要描述头发的长短、眼睛的颜色、鞋的颜色才能区分,告诉学生这节 课要学的目标。目标呈现的自然,给学生一种自己要学的动力和指向标。而以往 那种直接说这节课的目标是什么什么,给学生一种压力和命令的感觉,对于现在 的小皇帝小公主不愿意被命令做什么。) Can you guess ?How to describe her ? Let’s learn some new phrases .Then we can describe her .You can know who she is . 二、呈现Presentation 1.Do you like animals ?Let’s go to the zoo .It has a long nose and big ears. 2.My friend loves animals ,too .Who’s he ?What’s he like ?Let’s take a look .He is ...He has write “chair ” and “hair” on the blackboard .Ask the students to try to pronounce the new word “hair”. 3.Point to a boy “He has short hair .”Point to a girl with long hair “She has long hair .” 4.Look at the two pictures .我出示两张Wu Yifan 的图片,一张是戴眼镜的, 一张是没戴眼镜的。问学生:Which one is Wu Yifan? Why? Yes.Wu Yifan has glasses .He has blue glasses. 5.Learn “shoes”.Show two word cards “shoes”and “shoe”.Teacher say ,the students choose the word “shoes”. 三、练习Practice Play the tape. Listen read the words twice. 四、小结Consolidation To sum up when to use “has”and “is”.Ask the students to say. 五、综合提高Project . Let’splay. Isayyou draw.Myfriend istalland strong.Shehas longhair and long legs.She has big eyes.She has a small nose and small mouth。 She has small ears. Then you say ,others listen and say “Yes”OR “NO”. Write these phrases on your exercise book. 教学反思 历届学生在学习描述人的外貌,性格时候,总会混用has和is。为了预 防这种问题大面积出现,我提前在A部分就归纳:描写大体外形和性格用is, 描写具体生态部位用has。 在project环节,我设计的 “I say you draw”活动,学生很感兴趣。我 说:My friend is talland strong.She has long hair and long legs.She has big eyes.She has a small nose and small mouth。She has small ears.学生 画。然后,让学生来陈述自己画的画。先让同桌听听陈述是否一致。然后,找一 名学生描述刚画的画,其他学生听,并判断对错。对就说



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