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Hey! Come here! 快过来 Im on my way. 马上就来 他已经神志不清了 但还是指名要见你 把他带进来 他身上只带了这个... 还有这个 Are you here to kill me? 你是来杀我的吗 I know what this is. 我知道这是什么 Ive seen one before. 很久很久以前 Many, many years ago. 我在一个男人身上见过 It belonged to a man I met 我们在一个梦中相遇 in a half remembered dream. 而那个梦我已经记不清了 A man possessed of some radical notions. 那个男人满脑子都是激进的想法 What is the most resilient parasite? 最强大的寄生虫是什么 A bacteria? A virus? 是细菌 是病毒 An intestinal worm? 还是肠道蠕虫 What Mr. Cobb is trying to say 柯布先生的意思是... An idea. 是一个想法 Resilient. Highly contagious. 顽强无比 感染性极强 Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, 你头脑中一旦形成一个想法 its almost impossible to eradicate. 那就几乎无法抹去 An idea that is fully formed, fully understood, 只要这个想法完整而被理解 that sticks. 就会深深根植在那里 Right in there somewhere. 在大脑里的某个地方 For someone like you to steal? 而你这样的人就来窃取吗 Yes. In the dream state, your conscious defenses are lowered... 对 在梦境中 你的意识会放松警惕 and that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft. 如此一来你的想法便极易遭到窃取 Its called extraction. 这就叫做盗梦 Mr. Saito, we can train your subconscious to defend itself... 斋藤先生 我们能训练你的潜意识进行自我防御 from even the most skilled extractor. 就算最出色的盗梦人也无计可施 How can you do that? 你凭什么这么肯定 Because I am the most skilled extractor. 因为我就是最出色的盗梦人 I know how to search your mind and find your secrets. 我知道怎样窥探你的想法并找出你的秘密 I know the tricks. 我掌握其中的窍门 And I can teach them to you, so that even when youre asleep... 我能教会你 让你即使在睡着时 your defense is never down. 也绝不会放松警惕 Look, if you want my help, 听着 如果你要我帮忙 youre gonna have to be completely open with me. 就得完全信任我 对我毫无保留 I need to know my way around your thoughts better than your wife... 我得比你的妻子 你的咨询师 better than your therapist, better than anyone. 甚至是任何人 都更了解你的想法 If this is a dream, and you have a safe full of secrets... 如果这是梦 梦里有个藏有你秘密的保险箱 I need to know whats in that safe. 我必须知道保险箱里有什么 In order for this all to work, you need to completely let me in. 为此你必须对我完全坦诚


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