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独立日 七月二日 For those who havent read the plaque,well read the plaque. 牌子还没看 我们去看一下 Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon. 地球上的人类首次登上月球 July 1969. 是在一九六九年七月 We came in peace for all mankind. 我们为了全人类和平而来 外星人探索中心 新墨西哥州 If this isnt an insanely beautiful woman,Im hanging up. 除非是美女 否则我要挂断了 Sir,I think you should listen to this. 长官 你得听听这个 Sir? Goddamn it! 长官 妈的 Come on,baby. Come on! 来啊 继续 This better not be another damn Russian spy job! 最好不是俄国间谍飞机 Air traffic says the skies are clear. 航空管理局说没有飞机 Its the real thing. 这次是真的 A radio signal from another world. 是外星来的讯号 Lets not jump the gun here. 先别那么肯定 Get online with Space Command. 给我接通太空署 Theyre gonna want to know... 得让他们知道... whats with the golf balls? 这些高尔夫球干嘛的? Youre gonna kill me here! 差点给你害死 Wait,this cant be right. 有点问题 The calculated distance from source is only 375,000km. 讯号发射点离地球只有三十七万五千公里 Its coming from the moon. 应该来自月球那里 Who else knows about this? 还有谁知道这事? SETI in New Mexico identified a signal. 外星人探索中心也收到讯号 But,theyre even more confused than we are,sir. 但他们比我们更没头绪 国防部太空署 Major! Yes,sir. 少校 在 Radar reception has been impaired,but we were able to get these. 雷达收讯不是太好 但收到了这些影像 We estimate that it has a diameter of over 550km 我们估计它的直径达五百五十公里 and a mass roughly one fourth the size of our moon. 体积约是月球的四分之一 What the hell is it? 到底是什么东西? A meteor? 是陨石吗? No,sir,definitely not. 绝对不是 How do you know? 你怎么知道? Well,sir,its slowing down. 因为它在减速 Its what? 什么? Its slowing down,sir. 它慢下来了 Get me the Secretary of Defense. 给我接通国防部长 Then wake him! 把他叫醒 Hello. 您好 Hi,its me. 是我 What time is it there? 你那里几点了? Its 2:45 in the morning. 清晨两点四十五分 I know I didnt wake you. 我知道我没吵醒你 As a matter of fact,you did. 你就是吵到我了


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