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小学英语故事书里的故事同学们都喜欢 Sunday, rabbits and cats play together. Suddenly, the rabbit found a big hole, so called cat rabbits they go adventure of. Power of friendship gloomy cave, dark, water trickled down from time to time there will be sound, cobwebs everywhere, a terrorist great. They walked forward, find the hole getting smaller and smaller, so small are so hard on the cat. Suddenly, a bloody mouth lunged towards them, the rabbit shouted: ! Ah cat, cat ah, help ah, help ah Rabbit Cat see such a panic, so they went forward, calmly said: rabbit calm, cool, the animation was put at all:! cool people were killed, and can eventually intact, so you have to cool down and then cool Carter, the cat never imagined, poor rabbit and it was sacrifice. Cats see their own friends and it was a monster to swallow, heck, furious, almost fainted gas. So, he immediately stepped forward to kick the monster, not a moment, the monster was the power of friendship, Down, and that monster rabbit immediately spit it out, then quickly fled the crime scene . Rabbit jumped up and said Thank you, the cat, you are my best friend up! From then on, they became good friends never betray. One afternoon, a small ant came to the forest in search of food, accidentally fell into a puddle. Small ants in puddles straight thump scared whooped help. Ants and leaves a little leaf saw, forced break tree mothers hand drifted puddle edge, busy little ants rescue. Small leaves hand, eagerly small ant said: Do not worry, little ant, quickly grabbed my hand, I will pull you up. Small ant desperately elongated hand, however, it was so deep, small ants how out of reach. Small leaves four look, quickly go to a rope and a twig, it is the rope tied to the branches, made up a life-saving stick. Small leaves of a hand to seize the rope in one hand and slammed the life-saving stick thrown into a puddle. Small ant see, he swam quickly wear out, and finally en


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