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暴民已经占领街道... Rioters have filled in the streets... 这已经是第四波暴民... its the fourth wave of riots... 今夜全国上下 This evening martial law 实施戒hearts;严hearts;令 has been declared throughout the country. 任何人严禁上街 No one shall be allowed to enter the streets. 议会已宣布战争在即 The assembly of governors have declared war is imminent. 忍hearts;者启示录 有敌人 Pu-jo. 啊 Ahh. 右六王国的侦查员正在绘制我们的地形图 Scouts from the Uroku Kingdom mapping our land. 准备工作已经就绪 And their preparation has begun. 召集所有部落 Gather all the clans. 是时候了 Its time. 没落部族的凯奇 Cage of the Lost Clan, 忍hearts;者联合会召唤你 the Ninja Council requests your presence 前往位于大东山的战神庙 for a peace summit at the Warlords Temple 参加和平峰会 in the Great Eastern Mountains. 挑选出四名最出色的战士随行 Choose four of your finest to accompany you. 他们必须极具荣誉感 服从命令 They should have honor and live by the Code. 他们将帮助我们开辟全新的和平时代 For it will be they who help usher in a new era of peace among our kind. 为家人带来安全与保障 A new age that will provide safety and security for our families. 带上你们最强健 So, bring your strongest, 最聪敏 your smartest, 最勇猛 your fiercest, 和最有天赋的战士 and your most talented. 希望你们能尽快到来 May your journey be swift. 好了 There we go. 望智慧之神为你们指引方向 And may wisdom be your guide. 记住 这是和平峰会 Remember, this is a peace summit. 别带武器 Leave your weapons behind. 祖先们的学习方式与现在不同 The education system of our ancestors 他们进入某个房hearts;间 阅读相关资料 was they actually had to go into a room and read stuff. 没错 那时候可没什么可下载的 Yeah, nothing was downloadable back then. 他们要通读并记下所读的东西 They had to go and memorize things. 那是贝克吗 Is that Becker? 看起来不太妙 This doesnt look good. 靠紧点 Keep them close, 守在我身边 and stay by me. 那武器怎么办 What about our weapons? 这次是和平峰会 弟兄们 Its a peace summit, guys. 如果史幸也被邀请了没落部族 Fumitaka must be hard up if hes invited 那他肯定面临困境 the... Lost Clan. 跟我说说吧 Tell me, 你们是把人丢了呢 is it that youve lost your way 还是把脸丢了 or lost your honor? 这是和平峰会 This is a peace summit. 没落的荣誉家族现在对我意义重大 The Lost Honor Clan makes much more sense to me now. 喂 Hey. 这不是又聋又哑的傻大个吗 Its the big deaf and dumb guy. 跟着荣誉光环不再的人一起 How is life 感觉如何 with th


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