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书人教育( 2016 年春季) 小升初南外综合测试卷 2016 小升初南外英语综合测试评估卷 (本考卷总分 150 分,答案请写在答题纸上。考试时间 90 分钟) 姓名_____________得分___________ I. 联系上下文、完成歌曲(每小题 1 分,共 8 分) I love chocolate I drink , I eat cheese, I like nuts and I like greens, I like , I like beans, These are things my body needs. But late at night, Under my bedclothes, I eat , And no-one knows. I eat vegetables, I drink juice, I like , I like fruit, I like every way, I eat good things every day. I like on my bread, I like and I like eggs, I drink water all day long, All these things make me . II. 自然知识(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 1. Mammals are animals that give milk to their babies. They have got ___ warm ___ blood. 2. Reptiles are animals that have got cold blood. They all lay _ eggs ____ and their skin is thick. 3. ___ Insects ____ are animals that have got six legs. Most of them have got wings and can fly. 4. Birds are animals that lay eggs. Many of them can fly. Their ___ blood ____ is warm. 5. ____ Fish ___ are animals that live in water. Their blood is cold. III. 电脑常识(参见图 1)(每小题 1 分,共 6 分) 1. The ___ monitor ______ shows words and pictures. 2. You use the ___ keyboard _____ for typing in information. 3. The __ CD-ROM ___ records (记录) information. 4. The ___ mouse ____ helps you to control(控制)the computer. 第 1 页 /共 10 页 书人教育( 2016 年春季) 小升初南外综合测试卷 5. We can hear the sound from the ___ speaker _____. 6. We put disks into the ____ drives ____ in the main unit. 图 1. 图 2. IV. 面部表情(参见图 2 )(每小题 1 分,共 12 分) A. You can make the person burst out laughing by opening the mouth and showing the teeth. 2 B. Frightened(吓坏了 ). Face is pale and bluish. Hair stands on end. Eyes are wide open. 8 C. Frowning(皱眉的 ) forehead and drooping mouth make the person look worried. 11 D. Winking. Mouth goes up on side where eyes is closed. 5 E. Sly(狡计的 ). Eyes look sideways and mouth is small. 7 F. Very angry. Mouth is wide op


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