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1769年 英国是当时的殖民帝国和奴隶贸易中心 她真可爱 How lovely she is. 真像她妈妈 So much of her mother. 别害怕 Do not be afraid. 我带你去过好日子 I am here to take you to a good life. 这是你本就应得的 A life that you were born to. 给 Here. 佳人蓓尔 根据真实事件改编 汉普斯特村 肯伍德庄园 伊丽莎白·默里 Elizabeth Murray! 立刻给我回来 Bring yourself back here this very moment! 她妈妈死了 Her mother is dead. 我求你了 叔叔 I beg you, Uncle... love her, 不管我在不在都一样 as I would were I here... 接纳她去爱她 and ensure that she is in receipt 因为她是我的骨肉 of all that is due to her as a child of mine. 这绝对不可能 That is simply impossible. 这是理所应当的事 没有什么不可能 What is right... can never be impossible. 但她是黑人 She is black. 她是我的骨肉 She is my blood. 但她是黑人 But she is black. 这一点你略过没提 A detail you chose not to share with us. 过几小时我就要带队 In a few hours I am to captain 去印度群岛进行追踪性研究 a voyage to the Indies on a longitude experiment. 之后的事 谁知道呢 After that, who knows? 我无权过问国王与他的皇家海军 It is not in my gift to question the King and his Royal Navy. 你考虑过我的处境 我的声誉吗 Do you have in mind my position, my reputation? -先生 -我可是首席法官 - Sir. - I am the Lord Chief Justice. 做事有点分寸 Have some sense of propriety, 知道自己在要求什么 boy, and understand what it is you are asking. 她可是黑白混血 She is a mulatto. 她叫什么 What has she been named? 她叫蓓尔 用了她妈妈的名字 She is Belle. After her mother. 黛朵·伊丽莎白·蓓尔·琳赛 Dido Elizabeth belle Lindsay. 她跟你姓 She takes your name? 我不觉得羞耻 I am not ashamed. 我们会叫她黛朵 We will call her Dido. 天哪 她如此瘦弱 Good Lord, she is thin. 玛丽 带她去吃点东西 Mary, find her some food. 小甜心 Sweet child. 那艘船... A ship is... 不是你这种宝贝该待的地方 no place for one so precious as you. 在这里 In these walls... 你会作为我的孩子生活着 yours will be a life equal to my blood. 你现在还不能明白 And you will not understand in this moment... 但你只要知道我爱你 but know in your heart you are loved. 就像我爱你的妈妈一样 Just as I loved your mother. 你就是他们说的黑鬼吗 Are you what they call a negro? 我听到他们谈话了 I heard them talking. 问题一个接一个 伊丽莎白 Questions, questions, Elizabeth. A most 跟你hearts;爸hearts;爸一样 真是气人 irritating trait you share with your father. 法官爸爸吗 Papa M? 不 你的生父 No! Your birth papa, 大卫·默里先生 Sir David Murra


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