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在迈阿密这种大城市长大 When you grow up in a city as big as Miami, 很容易觉得自己渺小 its easy to feel small. 穿过摩天大楼 穿过棕榈树就是我的家 Past all those skyscrapers and palm trees is my neighborhood, 虽然离南海滩不远 却有天壤之别 just a few miles from South Beach, but a world away. 在这样的地方长大 最先学会的就是 And growing up in a place like this, you learn pretty quick 想得到别人的关注 that you have to speak louder 就必须唱的最响 than everyone else if you want to be heard. 因为在这里 大家都渴望被关注 Because the truth is, everyone has a voice. 而在我们的生活中 总有些时候 And there comes a time when you have to shout, 要为自己的梦想呐喊 to fight for what you want. 而对我和我朋友来说 那就是现在 For me and my friends, that time is now. 舞出我人生4 我告诉你 Im telling you, 我们今晚有一半的可能会进监狱 theres a 50-50 chance were going to jail tonight. 也许吧 Maybe. 你准备好了吗 You ready? 你在开玩笑吗 Youre kidding, right? 黑帮舞团 伙计们 过来看看 Yo, guys. Check it out. 不错嘛 There we go. 真是悲剧 How sick is that? 快点 我们要迟到了 Come on. Were gonna be late. 我们不是花钱雇你们偷懒的 Were not paying you to do whatever it is youre doing. -马上就到 -快点 -Well be right there. -You better be. 新来的经理在外面 戴了一双怪异的白手套 The new manager is out there with a freaking white glove. 还好吧伙计们 What up, guys? 看看 Check it out. 本地头条新闻 滨海路瞬间变舞池 Topping our local headlines, Ocean Drive was transformed today 有人认为这是行为艺术 into what some are describing as art, 而有人认为这是恶意扰民 others a public disturbance. 刚刚还挺正常 One minute everythings normal. 突然他们就冒出来了 The next, these cars and people came out of nowhere... 我希望警hearts;察hearts;能赶紧逮捕他们 I actually hope the police find them and lock their...asses up. 这是我见过最神奇的事情 It was one of the most amazing things Ive ever seen. 不管你们是谁 我爱你们 Whoever you guys are, we love you! 我也爱你 I love you, too. -悲剧了 -服务生在哪儿 -Yeah, how sick is that? -Where are my waiters? 二等座有个客人等了十分钟了 Ive got a two-top thats been waiting for 10 minutes. 那我负责的 Two-top? Yeah, thats mine. 迪蒙特从不让顾客等待 Patrons do not wait at the Dimont. 你是新来的经理吧 我是肖恩 You must be the new manager. Im Sean. 我是你的老板 不是你的闺蜜 Im your boss, not your homie. 下次再让客人等那么久你就卷铺盖走人 Next time you leave customers waiting like t


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