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初中语文“名著导读”教学策略探析 初中语文“名著导读”教学策略探析 PAGE / NUMPAGES 初中语文“名著导读”教学策略探析 摘 要 “名著导读”在初中语文教课中有着深远意义与价值。名著的阅读对学生综合素质 的提高和精神的成长有着十分重要的作用。 其可塑造学生健康的人品,开辟学生的视线,丰富学生的语言知识。“名著导读”是初中语文的教课内容,但其教课现状不容乐观。 一些语文教师在进行名著介绍与阅读教课的过程中困难重重,“名著导读”常常流于形式。本文将经过对教材、学情的剖析,论述“名著导读”教课的含义,联合“名著导读”教课中存在的问题研究“名著导读”的教课策略,提高学生阅读名著的兴趣,以更好地推动初中语文名著介绍与阅读的教课,让学生更好地感觉名著的魅力,学会认识世界、思虑人生,提高自我语文修养。 要点词:初中语文;名著导读;教课策略 优选 Abstract The famous book features in junior middle school Chinese teaching has profound significance and value. Classics reading to improve the students comprehensive quality and spiritual growth has a very important role. It can shape the students healthy personality, to develop students horizons, enrich students language knowledge. The famous book features in junior middle school language teaching content, but the teaching status quo is not optimistic. Some language teachers in the classics and the difficulties in the process of reading teaching, the famous book features is often become a mere formality. This article through the analysis of teaching materials, learning, expounds the meaning of features teaching, combining with the problems existing in the teaching of features to explore the teaching strategy of features, improve the students interest in reading classics, in order to better promote the junior middle school Chinese classics is recommended and the teaching of reading, let the students to better feel the charm of classic, begin to think to know the world, life, improve yourself Chinese accomplishment. Keywords: middle school Chinese ;Literary Masterpieces Guided Reading ; teaching strategies 优选 目 录 第一章 初中语文教材特色及教课特色简析 1 初中语文教材特色简析 1 初中语文教课特色简析 2 第二章 “名著导读”内涵阐释及在教材中的散布状况 . 3 “名著导读”内涵阐释 3 初中语文教材中“名著导读”的散布状况 . 3 第三章 初中“名著导读”的教课现状 5 教师教课现状 5 学生阅读现状 6 家长监察现状 6 第四章 初中语文“名著导读”教课策略 7 策略一:课前仔细准备 7 策略二:教课方式多样化 8 策略三:课后持续阅读名著 10 参照文件 11 谢辞 12 优选 《义务教育语文课程标准( 2011 年版)》(以下简称《语文课程标准》)公布实行 后,“名著导读” 成了各大语文教材的亮点之一, 是原语文教材中不曾出现的 “新事物” 。《语文课程标准》在听闻读写中分外突出了“读”,提出“教师应增强对学生阅读的指 导,睁开各样课外阅读活动,创建


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