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变种人 与生俱来拥有特殊能力 Mutants, born with extraordinary abilities. 然而 他们却也像孩童一般 And yet still, they are children 在黑暗中蹒跚前行 寻求正确的方向 stumbling in the dark, searching for guidance. 天赋 经常也是一种诅咒 A gift, can often be a curse. 若他拥有翅膀 就可能飞得离太阳太近 Give someone wings and they may fly too close to the sun 若他们能预言未来 Give them the power of prophecy, 就可能对明天充满恐惧 and they may live in fear of the future. 若他们拥有至高无上的天赋 Give them the greatest gifts of all, 超乎想象的强大能力 powers beyond imagination, 他们就可能认为自己应该统治世界 and they may think they are meant to rule the world. 尼罗河谷 公元前3600年 -恩·沙巴·奴尔 -恩·沙巴·奴尔 - En Sabah Nur. - En Sabah Nur. -恩·沙巴·奴尔 -恩·沙巴·奴尔 - En Sabah Nur. - En Sabah Nur. 从此您将永世主宰 我的主人 Now you will rule for eternity, my lord. 沉睡吧 Sleep. 开始转移 Let the transference begin. 当心 Watch out! 杀死伪神 Death to the false god! 金字塔 金字塔要塌了 The pyramid! The pyramid is collapsing! -跑 -快跑 - Run. - Run, quickly. 保护主人 Protect him! X战警 天启 和平集hearts;会hearts;发生骚乱 1973年1月28日 巴黎 众所周知 变种人首次曝光是在 As everyone knows, the existence of mutants was first discovered 1973年越战结束后巴黎和平协议签订大会上 during the Paris Peace Accords after the Vietnam war in 1973. 6天后 我们都目睹了变种人中的一员 6 days later, we all watched as one of those mutants... 俄亥俄州 1983年 埃里克·兰谢尔 在白宫草坪上 Erik Lehnsherr, attacked the president and the cabinet 袭击了总统和内阁官员 on the lawn of the White House. 另一位年轻的变种人出手相救 化解了危险 Their lives were saved by a young mutant, who stopped him. 如今兰谢尔依然在逃 Now, Lehnsherr escaped 他是世界头号hearts;通缉犯 and became the worlds most wanted fugitive. 而那位救人者也失踪了 And as for her, she disappeared as well. 但她成了新时代的象征 But, she has become the symbol of a new age. 标志着世界将从此 The face of a world that will never... -截然不同 -你在朝我宝贝抛媚眼吗 - ...be the same again. - You winking at my girl? 没错 世界陷入了恐慌 Yes, the world is panicked. -你的宝贝 -许多人仍抱有偏见 - Your girl. - ... and there is still some prejudice. -你看上去的确够老 -但是如今 - I guess you do look old enough - But today, -能当她爹了 -变种人已融入社会各行各业 - to be her father. - mutants are found in all walks of life. 先生们 你们有什么想法 Excuse me, gen


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