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导演:乔尔舒马赫 主演:尼古拉斯凯奇 片名: 八毫米 Welcome to Miami. 欢迎光临迈阿密 While in the airport, please observe Florida and local laws... 根据佛罗里达州的法律 在机场大厅内 ...which prohibit smoking in the terminal. 请勿吸烟 Thank you for not smoking. 谢谢你不吸烟 迈阿密国际机场 哈里斯堡机场 Your son-in-law dealt with the dry cleaning franchise during the day. 你女婿白天处理干洗生意 He saw that woman every night. 他每晚都见那女人 The specifics are in my report, and information about the woman. 详情在我的报告内 还有那女人的资料 Its unpleasant, I know. 我了解这事很不愉快 Discreet, isnt he? 他不是很谨慎吗? What an imbecile! 蠢蛋 I tried to warn my daughter.. 我尝试警告我女儿 ...but what can you do? 但你能做什么? I worry about the children. 我担心孩子 My invoice is in the envelope, if thats all. 如果没有别的事 我的账单在信封内 Yes, Mr. Welles. Thank you. 好,谢谢你,魏斯先生 Let me know if I can be of further assistance to you, Senator. 如果我还有什么可以帮忙 请随时与我联络,参议员 保持联络 Ill be in touch. 有人吗? Hello? 你回来了 Youre home. 我们在这里 Were back here. 一切顺利吗? How did it go? 还不错吧 I think very well. 很好 Good. 甜心,爹地回来了 Daddys home, sweetie. 你教科书工作如何? Hows the textbook business? 那个联邦剧场的方案 我收到一万字 I got 1 0,000 words on the federal theatre project. 应该只有四千字 但作者拒绝修改 It should be 4,000 and the writer doesnt want to change anything. 所以有点麻烦 So kind of bad. 迈阿密怎样? How was Miami? 不错,只是寂寞 Fine. Lonesome. 就算付我很多钱 我也不要住在那 Couldnt pay me enough to live down there. 那你为什么去? Then whyd you go? 麦可孙议员有很多 有势力的朋友 Senator Michaelson has powerful friends. 哈啰,仙蒂 Hello, Cinderella. 想我吗?我好想你 Did you miss me? I sure missed you. -她很想你 -这才对 -She missed you. -Thats my girl. 她想你,我也想你 She missed you. I missed you. 你吸烟? You been smoking? 吸烟? 我没有吸烟 Smoking? Im not smoking. 别这样,蜜糖儿 Come on, honey. 你一身的烟味 You reek of it. 艾美,我坐在酒吧内 跟踪那男人 Amy, Ive been sitting around in bars following this guy. 这就是你给我的见面礼? Is this the first thing I get? -你在指责我吗? -我没有指责你 -Youre accusing me? -Im not accusing you. 我没有吸烟,好不好? 我们以前就讲过了 Im not smoking, okay? Weve been all through that. 我去弄晚餐,你肚子饿吗? Ill make dinner. Are you hungry? 你烧饭? Youre cooking? 我想你 I missed you. 我不喜欢你不在家 I dont like it when you leave. 该我去


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