Unit 2 Words and expressions课件- 高二上学期英语人教新课标选修六.ppt

Unit 2 Words and expressions课件- 高二上学期英语人教新课标选修六.ppt

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①Its nice to sit down and take_it_easy after a hard days work. 劳累了一天之后,能坐下来轻松一下,该多么愉快呀。 ②Believe it or not, I always take your suggestions seriously. 信不信由你,我总是认真对待你的建议。 ? Worse luck! First, food and drinking water had been used up before we reached the destination. Then, my husband was speeding up the car when it suddenly broke down. It turned out that the gas had run out/given out. So we had to walk ahead along the road until my strength gave out. We finally made our way to a small hotel but to our despair, we found we had run out of/used up our money. run out of 是及物动词短语,通常以人作主语,相当于use up,表示“用完;用尽” run out 是不及物动词短语,通常以物作主语,相当于give out give out 可表示物“用完”或人“筋疲力尽”;还表示“发出;分发;宣布”等 【填一填 ? 激活思维】 ①I’m afraid that we’re _______ ___ __ our petrol. 恐怕我们的汽油快用完了。 ②After a long journey, he has ____ ___ __ his energy. 经过长途旅行, 他已筋疲力尽。 ③My food has ____ ___. 我的食物已经吃光了。 running out of run out of run out be made up of意为“由……构成”, 其主动形式为make up,相当于consist of。 e.g. A car is made up of many different parts. We need one more person to make up a team. The committee consists of five members. 【填一填 ? 激活思维】一句多译。 我们班由60名学生组成, 五分之二的是女生。 ①Our class __ _____ ___ __ 60 students, of whom two fifths are girls. ②60 students _____ ___ our class, of whom two fifths are girls. ③Our class _______ __ 60 students, of whom two fifths are girls. is made up of make up consists of make up for make sense make use of make up one’s mind make out make progress  make a promise make sure 弥补…… 有意义 辨认出, 理解 取得进步 许诺 利用 确保 下定决心 endless adj.无穷的;无止境的→_______ n. v.终止;结束→__________ n.结尾;结局 end ending —How did the story end? —Just like most romantic stories, it had a happy _____.The prince killed the monster and saved the princess in the ______ and they lived happily ever after. ending end translation n.翻译;译文 ___________→ v.翻译 →__________ n.译员;翻译家 translate translator In order to bring advanced theories from foreign countries, he decided to be a _________ and ___________ hundreds of books from English i


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