Remember Me《记住我(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Remember Me《记住我(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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下列车很快就到了 I know, but its coming. 什么时候 When is it? 纽约 布鲁克林区 1991年 十年后 不会很长时间 Its not gonna be too much longer. 把口香糖吐出来 谢谢 Spit your gum out. Come on. Thank you. 车子来了 Oh, here comes the train! 待在我身后 艾丽 待在我身后 Get behind me. Ally, stay behind me. 拿走吧 拿走 Just take it. Take it. 把钱包给我 把钱包给我 Give me your purse. Give me your purse. -还有戒指 -什么 - Give me the ring! - What? -给我闭嘴 -没事的 -Dont talk. -lts gonna be okay. 你最好放聪明点 女士 Better not, lady. 您乘坐的是康尼跨海F号hearts;列车 This is the Coney lsland-bound F train. 下一站 第一大道 Next stop Avenue I. 不 No! 妈妈 妈妈 Mom! mom! 妈妈 妈妈 妈妈 Mom! mom! mom! 妈妈 妈妈 Mom! mom! 妈妈 Mom! 爸爸 Daddy! 你好 Hello? 十五分钟后到 Fifteen minutes. -你好吗 妈妈 -你看上去很好 - How are you, mom? - You look good. -你怎么样 莱斯 -见到你很高兴 - How you doing, Les? - Good to see you. 谢谢你打电hearts;话hearts;提醒我 小画家 Thanks for the wake-up call, maestro. 你闻起来像防腐液和啤酒一样 You smell like listerine and beer. 你就不能打个领带吗 You couldnt wear a tie? 我知道了 I could have. 这真好 要是迈克尔知道我们 This is nice. Michael would like 这样做的话肯定会很高兴 That we still do this. 你有没有告诉Tyler Did you tell Tyler what your art 老师是怎么说你的肖像画的 teacher said about your portrait? 妈妈 Mom! 告诉他 Tell him! 她说我像年轻的詹姆斯·惠斯勒一样捕捉到了瞬间 She said I captured the moment like a young James Whistler. 至少是年轻的詹姆斯·惠斯勒 Well, at least its a young James Whistler, 因为惠斯勒后半生 Because, God, l mean, Whistler, he fell 的艺术成就并不显著 off in the latter half of his career. 他被称为欧洲艺术史上的从男孩到成人乐队 He is the boyz ll men of European art history. 她把你妹妹推荐到斯坦哈特暑假美术集训营 She recommended your sister to Steinhardts summer art Intensive, -他们很有名气 -这简直太好了 - And thats hugely prestigious. - Its fantastic. 太好了 Its great. 我要画一幅叫做 Im going to do a drawing called my 我的哥哥和他最喜欢的香烟的画 Brother and his favorite cigarette. 我将是在那学习的 And, since Id be the youngest person ever, 最年轻的画家 practically, to be studying there... Tyler Tyler 能把糖递给我一下吗 Would you please pass the sugar? 她还没有说完呢 爸爸 She still has a couple of minutes left on the clock, dad. 就几秒钟 Just a couple of seconds. 如果卡洛琳真觉得自己被 Carolines perfectly capable of speaki



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