The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor《木乃伊3(2008)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor《木乃伊3(2008)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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Long ago, a mythic battle between good and evil 很久以前 在古代中国 played out in ancient China. 发生了一场神话般的正邪之战 The country was torn by civil war, 内战的战火席卷了整个国家 with many kingdoms struggling for land and power. 各诸侯国为了土地和权力征战不断 But one king had a ruthless ambition 其中有一个王更野心勃勃 to make himself emperor by the sword. 想要通过武力一统天下成为皇帝 Leave me. 都退下 Prepare for war! 准备开战! NARRATOR... The other rulers hired assassins to kill the King 其他诸侯国唯恐被他吞并 before he could conquer them all. 派出杀手刺杀他 Stop! I am not harmed. 不用!朕没事 We attack tonight! 今晚进攻! NARRATOR... Kingdom by kingdom, his army swept away everything in its path, 他的军队一路战胜了一个又一个诸侯国 and anyone who resisted met a terrible fate. 胆敢违抗他的人都没好下场 The country was his. 最后整个国家都是他的 He was now Emperor of All Under Heaven. 他成了一切万物的统治者 He enslaved his conquered enemies and forced them to build his Great Wall. 战败的敌人都成了他的奴隶 为他建造万里长城 When they were dead or useless, he had them buried beneath it. 一旦他们死了或病了 就直接掩埋在城墙下 The Emperors mystics taught him mastery over the five elements, 方士教会了皇帝如何掌握五行 fire, water, earth, wood and metal. 火 水 土 木 金 His power seemed without limit. 他的力量无限壮大 He was master of millions, 成为了万人的主宰 but like the lowliest peasant, he could not stop growing old. 然而就如最低贱的贱民一样 他渐渐变老 I have too much to do for one lifetime. 朕 要寻找永生之道 NARRATOR... He needed to defeat his last enemy, death itself. 他要击败他的最后一个敌人 死亡 One day, news came of a powerful witch 直到有一天 他听到传闻 who was rumoured to know the secret to eternal life. 一个道姑知道长生不老的秘方 He ordered General Ming, 于是他命令自己的老朋友 his oldest friend and trusted ally, to find her. 忠实的部下明将军去找这个道姑 The witch was named Zi Yuan, 这个道姑名叫紫苑 and she was nothing like the General expected. 她跟明将军所想的不一样 Your Majesty... 参见陛下… Rise up. 平身 I do not possess the secret of immortality, my Lord... 皇上所求 奴婢不知如何解答… ...but I know where to find it. …却知答案藏于何处 General... 将军… No man is to touch her. 此女 She is mine. 非朕莫属 NARRATOR... On the western border stood the Monastery of Turfan. 在西面边陲有一座吐鲁番寺庙 There was housed the greatest librar


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