PBS Nova: Riddles of the Sphinx《PBS.新星.狮身人面像之谜(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

PBS Nova: Riddles of the Sphinx《PBS.新星.狮身人面像之谜(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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没有什么比狮身人面像更能代表 Nothing represents the mysteries of ancient Egypt 古埃及的神秘 more than the Great Sphinx. 古埃及人是如何建造出这座蹲伏的 How did the Egyptians build this crouching lion, 狮身人面的动物来的呢 human-headed creature? 这是古埃及所建造的最大雕像 This is the largest statue ever built in ancient Egypt. 是谁建的 又为何而建 Who built it and why? 鼎盛时期的狮身人面像 When it was in its heyday, 色彩曾极其鲜艳斑斓 it was a very brightly painted image, 就像动漫书里的一样 painted in comic-book colors. 狮身人面像之谜 The riddles of the Sphinx 让所见之人都为之困惑 have puzzled all who have laid eyes on it, 从过去的君主 到现代的总统 from emperors to presidents. 现在 解开这些谜题已迫在眉睫 Now, solving those riddles has taken on a new urgency, 因为四千多年来 for after more than 4,000 years 只有金字塔们作伴的狮身人面像 with only pyramids as neighbors, 如今注视着的 却是一家快餐店 today, the Sphinx stares out at a fast-food restaurant. 喧闹的交通 来往的游人 Traffic, tourism 以及现代建筑都让它颤栗不已 and construction are trembling it apart. 狮身人面像几乎坐落在开罗的商业区 The Sphinx is almost in downtown Cairo. 这是迎面而来的都市大侵袭 Its a full frontal urban assault. 趁为时未晚 两组科学家和建筑工人 Before its too late, two teams of scientists and builders 将去解开古老的狮身人面像之谜 are tackling the age-old riddles of the Sphinx. 也不是那么容易 对吧 Its not easy, is it? 他们沉浸在古埃及的世界当中 Theyre immersing themselves in the world of ancient Egypt, 那个世界里有法老 有金字塔 a world of Pharaohs and pyramids, 有兽神 有木乃伊 animal gods and mummies, 有太阳崇拜 sun worship 还有活人献祭 and human sacrifice. 埃及的永恒之沙能否最终 Will the eternal sands of Egypt finally 交出狮身人面像的秘密呢 give up the secrets of this human-headed lion? 敬请收看新星系列之 Right now on NOVA: 狮身人面像之谜 Riddles of the Sphinx. 一双伸展的巨爪 比城市大巴还长 Giant paws, longer than a city bus stretch out before it. 巨尾如鞭 盘绕在身后 A whipping tail, wraps around its back. 而它硕大的身躯 And its enormous body, 相当于五十架747喷气式客机的重量 about the weight of fifty 747 jumbo jets, 靠在腰际 静候捕捉猎物的时机 is on haunches, poised to pounce. 然而这只雄狮却长了个房hearts;子般大的 But this lion has a human head 人的脑袋 as big as a house, 这就是狮身人面像 for this is the Great Sphinx. 约240英尺长[约73.15米] At nearly 240 feet long 几乎是一个足球场的长度 —almost the length of a fo


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