Nova: Dogs and More Dogs《PBS.新星.狗狗的起源与演化(2004)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Nova: Dogs and More Dogs《PBS.新星.狗狗的起源与演化(2004)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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花百万美元投放一个30秒广hearts;告hearts; When youre spending a million dollars on a 30-second commercial, 肯定希望找个养眼的男主角 you want your leading man to have just the right look. 我们想找的 不是施瓦辛格 Were not looking for Schwarzenegger; 而是梅尔·吉布森 were looking for Mel Gibson, 或者哈里森·福特 or you know, Harrison Ford. 哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 哈里森·福特绝对是最佳人选 Harrison Ford would be really who were looking for. 是的 得找个... Yeah, somebody who... 得找个眼神里透着顽皮光芒 someone who had a little glimmer of mischief in his eyes, 眼神好像在诉说着什么 you know, a spirit behind it. 还有一丝性感 性感到哪都管用 Well, and sex appeal, because sex sells. 性感的确非常重要 Sex appeal is so important. 但如果剧本要求男主角是条狗狗呢 But what if the script says your leading man is a dog? 这狗狗好看吗 Is this the right look? 或者这条 Or is it this? 这条呢 Or this? 事实是 Fact is, 比起世界上其他动物 dogs come in more shapes and sizes 狗狗的品种和大小种类是最多的 than any other mammal on the planet, 对于性感的标准也是眼花缭乱 and theres no shortage of opinions about whats sexy in a dog. 这是个织物除臭剂的广hearts;告hearts; But this commercial is designed to sell fabric deodorizer, 需要找一条人见人爱型的性感狗狗 and it calls for a sexy everydog kind of dog, 所以迪诺得到了这个工作 which is why Dino got the job. 迪诺有着不可思议的风度 Dino has this incredible presence— 那种朴实的 脚踏实地的性格 that sort of everyday quality, that sort of down-to-earthness. 他第一次试镜就通过了 太棒了 He came across in the first casting tape. It was great. 迪诺有的不仅仅是漂亮脸蛋 It didnt hurt that Dinos more than just a pretty face. 还是个愿意自己做特技表演的敬业演员 Hes the kind of performer whos willing to do his own stunts. 我们以为会用很多电脑特效 We were thinking we were going to have to do computer animation, 要想很多办法才能达到效果 and we were going to have to do all kinds of techniques. 但还不到一周 制片人突然召集我们说 And within a week, all of a sudden the director calls us and he goes, 我不敢相信 这只狗居然能按下喷雾瓶 I cant believe it, the dog can spray the bottle. 脚 脚 Foot! Foot! 再来一次 脚 好的 One more time. Foot! Good. 迪诺曾被遗弃 Not bad for a dog 被拉斯维加斯领养局收留 who was abandoned and brought to the Las Vegas pound. 五年前 教练就是在那里发现他的 Thats where his trainers found him



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