专题05 2021年优秀高考模拟题角度分析阅读长难句.docx

专题05 2021年优秀高考模拟题角度分析阅读长难句.docx

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2021年高考英语真题和优秀模拟题角度分析阅读理解长难句 专题05 2021年高考真题角度分析阅读长难句(5) 2021优秀高考模拟卷之长难句分析 It is portraits of the people she meets on public transport every day that she is taking. (2021届高考名师押题卷 二) 语法:(1)整句话用到了it is…that…的强调句,强调了take的宾语。 (2)…people she meets on public transport…此处she meets…为省略引导词的定语从句,从句修饰people。 词汇:portrait n. 肖像画 翻译:她画的肖像都是关于每天在公共交通工具上遇到的人。 It is wonderful for her to look at someone’s commute(上下班) and make up an entire story about the rest of their daily existence, from the father travelling with a baby to the woman welcoming a change. (2021届高考名师押题卷 二) 语法:(1)整句话结构是it is +adj + for sb + to do的结构。it为形式主语,真正的主语在于to do部分。 (2)… from the father travelling with a baby to the woman welcoming a change.此处属于介词短语对someone进行修饰。而其中的travelling和welcoming属于doing做后置定语修饰father和woman。 词汇:(1) commute v.通勤 (2) the rest of 余下的 (3) existence n. 存在 v. exist 存在 翻译:对她来说,看看别人上下班,编造一个关于他们接下来一天的日常生活的完整故事真是太好了。这些人有带着孩子的父亲也有欢迎改变的女人。 It is the stock response to a parent struggling with a crying baby or a bad-tempered teenager: “Treasure every moment because they grow up so fast.” (2021届高考名师押题卷 二) 语法:(1) 整句话it为代词,代指后面引号中的句子。 (2)…parent struggling with a crying baby or a bad-tempered teenager, 此处struggling属于doing做后置定语来修饰parent。 词汇:(1) stock adj.迂腐的 (2) struggle v.挣扎;为…奋斗 (3) bad-tempered adj. 脾气暴躁的 (4) treasure n.宝藏 v. 珍惜 翻译:“珍惜每一刻,因为他们成长得太快了。”是一种陈腐的回应,不管是对有着哭闹的婴儿父母或有着脾气暴躁的青少年的父母。 The results could also be a consequence of parents spending a large amount of their time on their children, they said, even though they found no difference in the time pressures recorded by parents compared with non-parents in the study. (2021届高考名师押题卷 二) 语法:(1)…parents spending a large amount of their time…此处spending为doing做后置定语修饰parents。 (2) …even though they found no difference in the time pressures recorded by parents compared with non-parents in the study. 此处even though引导让步状语从句,表示“即使”,一定注意不可以和but连用。 (3) …pressures recorded by parents compared with non-parents in the study. 此处recorded属于done做后置定语修饰time pressure。 (4)…co



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