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精品学习资料 名师归纳总结——欢迎下载 Teaching plans of Unit One Getting along with othersPeriod One Welcome to the unitTeaching aims:To deepen Ss. understanding of friendshipTo practice Ss. Teaching plans of Unit One Getting along with others Period One Welcome to the unit Teaching aims: To deepen Ss. understanding of friendship To practice Ss.oral English by getting them involved in the discussion of friends and friendship To learn the way to describe the characteristics of a true friend Teaching procedures: Ⅰ.Lead-in Listen to the song called Auld Lang Syne( 友情地久天长 ) Show students some pictures about friends Brainstorming questions: Have you enjoyed the song. Can someone name the song . Can you guess the relationship between the ones in the pictures. Do you have any good friends. How many are they. Do you think it is important to have a good relationship with others. Why. Do you know the concept of “friendship ”. Try to explain. In your opinion, what does a real friendship consist of . Ⅱ. Picture talking: Talk about the pictures and proverbs with your partner. Try to discuss the following questions: Picture 1, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Where are the two girls. What are they doing . How long they spend speaking to each other. Do you think they enjoy each other .s company. What do you think ,Friends are thieves of time. .mean. Picture 2, What do you use a mirror for. What are the two girls doing. Do you think the girl on the right is a good friend. Why. Do you have a good friend. Does he/she often give you advice. What do you think the proverb ,The best mirror is an old friend .mean. Picture 3, 1) 2) 3) 4) What is the taller boy doing . Why does he do so. Do you think it possible for a person to buy friendship. In your opinion, what is the base of a good friendship. Picture 4, 1) 2) Do you think friends should be the same age and share the same hobbies and interests. What does the proverb , True friends have hearts that beat as one.. Ⅲ. Story-telling Tell a story happened between you and yo


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