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慢着! Hey, slow down! 这一点也不酷 Whoa! That is not cool! 达尔文 谢谢你今晚能来 Thank you for coming tonight, Darwin. 这里很安全 我们可以放心讲话 This room is secure, so we can speak freely. 有什么好保密的 Why the secrecy? 因为明天警♥察♥要来关掉这里 Because the feds are coming tomorrow... to shut us down. 关掉? 连一次机会也不给我们吗 Shut us down? Without even giving us a chance? 是的 Yes. 要拯救这个部门只有一个办法 And there's only one way we can save this department, 就是在战斗中证明自己 And that's prove ourselves, in the field. 我们的目标是莱纳德·萨博 Our target is Leonard Saber. 要知道 As you know, 他以前是军♥火♥商 He is a former arms dealer 现在是萨博陵公♥司♥的CEO And current CEO of saberling industries. 局里情报显示 The bureau's intel shows 萨博开♥发♥了新的微芯片 Saber has developed a new microchip 有可能用于军事 With possible military applications. 上面怀疑他可能 They suspect he has sold his 将此项技术出♥售♥给远东 Technology to the far east under the code name... 代号♥是"杂波风暴" ...clusterstorm. 达尔文 Now, Darwin, 我们现在要查出萨博会怎么用这技术 We need to find out how Saber plans to use this technology. 你的任务是 在这里 萨博的图书馆 Your mission is to download the clusterstorm files 从他的私人电脑上下载"杂波风暴"的文件 From Saber's personal computer located in his library, right here. 本 我们会找到证据的 Ben, we're gonna get you that evidence. 我们会证明 我们一直很能干 We'll prove, once and for all, what we can do. 不会让他们得逞的 We'll give 'em no choice. 中情局会保留程序 让我们做特工的 They'll have to keep the program and make us special agents. 我相信你 但如果我们失败 Look, I believe in you, but if we fail... 就搞砸了一件别人花费两年心血的案子 ...we blow a case they've been trying to crack for two years. 别看我个头小 可是靠得住 Hey, I'm nine inches tall. I only see the upside. (莱纳德·萨博的房♥产) 这边 先生 Right this way, sir. 谢谢 Thank you. 嘀嗒 开始计时 斑点 收到请回话 Ticktock, we're on the clock. Speckles, do you copy? 收到 我看到你了 达尔文 一切就绪 Ten-four. I read you, Darwin. Five-by-five. 所有通讯系统已连上 All communication systems are online. 报告位置 Status report. 我看到萨博了 I have a visual on saber. 他身着六千美元的西装 带着五万美元的名表 He's wearing a $6,000 suit, $50,000 watch, 据红外线范围


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