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模块专项训练 Ⅰ.选词填空 smell,sound,feel,taste,look 1.—What about the blue skirt on the right? —I think it will look nice on you. 2.What a beautiful song! It 3.Mom is making dinner.It sounds smells so sweet. so nice! 4.This kind of cloth feels soft.Where did you buy it? 5.—I can’t stand the smell of the stinking tofu. —Would you like to have a try?It tastes Ⅱ.动词填空 导学号quite delicious! Linda 1. looks (look)happy today because she became the winner in the singing competition yesterday.She often practices singing after school every day.Her voice 2. sounds (sound)beautiful.Many of the students like her songs.Linda is also good at 3. making (make)cakes.The cakes she makes 4. smell (smell)delicious and 5. taste (taste)sweet. 单项选择 1.(2017 广东佛山三中月考) —How do you like the singer? —A cool guy!His song B really beautiful. A.tastes B.sounds C.smells 2. farther. A.a little of C.a bit of D.looks 导学号2017 山东德州庆云二中月考)I feel B.a bit D.bit of  B  tired and I can’t go 3.(2017 山东武城实验中学月考)My mother gave me a present box and I couldn’t wait what was in it. A A.to see C.see 4. B.seeing D.saw 导学号2017 山西)No matter what problems we meet,we should try to solve them,and even though we fail,teachers and parents A.are strict with C us. are worried about are proud of 阅读理解 导学号(2017 山东庆云二中月考) My father is tall and has short,gray hair.He wears glasses with heavy,black frames(框 架).But I just saw a picture of him from 1968.What a surprise! In the picture,he’s 15 years old.He’s short and he has glasses with small,round frames.He has long,brown hair and it’s really straight.He’s wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word“Love”.I’m 15 years old now.I’m ofaverage height(中等身材)and I have short hair.My hair isn’t brown.It’s blue.My dad thinks it’s strange,but my friends think it’s great.I wear glasses,but glasses with bright red frames.They’re so cool! I have an earring in one ear,too.Dad really can’t understand that.I never wear blue jeans.I like big,baggy



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