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2020年翻译资格考试初级笔译试题 汉译英 l. The invisible hand of the market would guide individual choices so that each individual pursuing his own self-interest would simultaneously help society and create the greatest wealth for the greatest number of people in a society. 2. Such economic calamities can be prevented only if government takes a much larger role in organizing and coordinating individuals decisions. 3. Allowing the market to operate with a minimum of government regulation is called laissez-faire. 4. Billions of dollars are spent yearly on armaments while essential social services are ignored for lack of funds. 5. In many countries there is mass hunger while in others there is a tremendous waste of food. 6. Within countries and among them there are huge gaps between the living standards of the rich and those of the poor. 7. Even the richest countries have suffered from growing unemployment, stagnant rates of economic growth and high inflation. 8. If there were only advantages to international trade, there would be free trade among nations and there would be little debate over international trade. 9. General acceptance is obviously a first essential of money - general acceptance, that is, in a particular society. 10. Trade within a country is ordinarily free of the obstructions of strange language, customs, and commercial laws, but these obstructions may be greatly involved in international trade. 答案 市场这只“无形的手”能引导人们根据自身利益选择生产活 动,为更多的人创造了更多的财富,这客观上是推动了社会的发展。 政府若能够更有效地参与组织和协调个体经济行为,则可避免此类经济危机的发生。 放任政策是指尽量减少政府干预,由市场自行运作的一种经 济政策。 每年不计其数的金钱被浪费在扩大军备上,而最基本的社会服务却缺乏经费,得不到足够的重视。 5. 5. 一些国家民众饱受饥饿折磨,而另一些国家却有大量食物被 浪费。 6. 国家与国家之间,甚至国家内部都存在着极大的贫富差异。 7. 即便是最富裕的国家,失业率也在不断上升,经济发展出现 停滞,物价暴涨。 8. 倘若国家贸易只有利没有弊,那么国家间早就开始自由贸易 了,人们也不用为国际贸易争论不休了。 9. 显然普及性是货币的第一要素——当然,这里所说的普及性 是针对一个特定社会而言的。 10. 国内贸易通常不会有语言障碍、海关限制,不会因贸易法规 的不同产生壁垒,而国际贸易往往会受到这些因素的极大制约。


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