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第十章 产后期疾病 Chapter ten Postpartum Disease ;第二节 胎衣不下 Lesson Two Retention of Afterbirth;一、病因 Section one 、pathogeny ; ;二、症状 Section two、symptom;Normal placenta;;;三、预后 Section three、prognosis;四、治疗 Section four、Treatment;;7.子宫冲洗:无论何种方法,胎衣下来后,应用消毒液反复冲洗子宫2-3次,至流出的液体与注入的液体颜色一致为止。但需注意冲洗压力不易太大,防止流入输卵管。 7. uterinewatering : When the afterbirth came down , wash the uterus with disinfectant for 2-3 times until the influent and the excurrent liquid are of the same colour . Look out that the washing pressure should not be too high , in case of influxing the fallopian tube. 0.1%高锰酸钾 0.25-0.5%利凡诺 0.05%洗必泰 0.1% potassium permanganate 0.25-0.5% rivanol 0.05% chlorhexidine 8.防止感染:冲洗子宫后,给予子宫收缩剂和抗菌素,防止感染; 8. Prevention of infection:After washing the uterus , use hysterotonics and antibiotics to prevent infection . 9.注意全身变化。 9.Pay attention to the change of the whole body . ;五、预防 Section five 、 prevention;第三节 子宫弛缓(子宫复旧不全) Lesson Three Atony of uterus ;二、病因 Section two、pathogeny;三、症状及诊断 Section three 、symptom and diagnosis;四、治疗 Section four 、Treatment;五、预防 Section five 、prevention;第四节 阴道脱 lesson four Prolapse of the vagina;一、病因 Section one 、pathogeny;二、症状 Section two 、symptom;Prolapsed Vagina;;Prolapsed Cervix;; 脱出的阴道,由于长期不能缩回、瘀血,很快发紫,粘膜水肿变肿白,(表明粘膜开始坏死)。受地面磨擦及粪尿污染,常有脏物或有破口,血管破裂、流血,久之,坏死、糜烂。 The prolapsed vagina ,because it can’t retract for a long time ,it will stasis blood ,and turn blue , the mucousedema turn tumoralbus(it means the mucosa begin to become necrotic) .Because of the attrition and the pollution of the fecaluria ,there is always foul and crevasse , the blood vessel breaks ,bleed ,necrose , and become erosion at last . 由于脱出的阴道压迫尿道口,导致排尿困难,反之又加剧努责。完全脱出常因阴道及子宫颈受到刺激,发生强烈努责,可???引起直肠脱出。 Because the prolapsed vagina stress the urethral orifice , it will lead to dysuresia ,and aggravate the valsalva . Due to the cervix uterus is Stimulated ,the completely prolapse will aggravate the valsalva ,even lead to rectal hernia 习惯性阴道脱――一般为


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