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罗伯高德萧 是波士顿一名 主张废奴富人之子 他在南北战争中 从军时年仅23岁 他定期写信 告诉双亲关于军中的生活 这些信件目前存放于哈佛大学 的荷顿图书馆内 片名: 光荣战役 一 一 One! One! 一 二 一 One, two, one! 一 一 One! One! 一 二 一 One, two, one! 亲爱的母亲: Dear Mother: 我希望你一切安好 别太为我hearts;操hearts;心 I hope you are keeping well and not worrying too much about me. 别担心我们之中 会有人死在战火之下... You mustnt think that any of us are going to be killed... ...我们军容盛大 任何来犯意图都是疯狂 ...for they are collecting such a force here that an attack would be insane. 来自麻州的士兵今早通过这里 The Massachusetts men passed through here this morning. 能看到来自各州的人 像祖先们当初革命时一样... How grand it is to meet the men from all the states, east and west... ...为自己的国家奋勇作战... ...down here ready to fight for their country... ...真是让人心情振奋 the old fellows did in the Revolution. 但这一次我们要建立一个不分党派的国家... But this time we must make it a whole country... ...让所有的美国人hearts;民hearts; 都享有发言的自hearts;由hearts; ...for all who live here, so that all can speak. 我有很多同胞在开战之前... Before this war began... ...都没有看过黑奴 ...many of my regiment had never seen a Negro. 但现在路上全是 无家可归的黑奴 Now the roads are choked with the dispossessed. 我们为尚未写下生命史诗的男女奋斗... We fight for men and women whose poetry is not yet written... ...他们和其他人一样值得尊敬 ...but which will presently be as enviable and as renowned as any. 昨晚又传出败绩 Last night we heard of yet another defeat. 但我们未曾因此丧气 But we are not disheartened. 我因身为这个伟大军队的一员而自豪 I am honored to be part of such a splendid company. 我被升为上尉 并感到十分荣耀 They have made me captain, of which I am enormously proud. 你看见我对一百个比我年长的人发号hearts;施令... You would think it strange to see me giving orders to a hundred men... ...会觉得奇怪 ...most of whom are older than I am. 谢谢你寄来的爱默生诗集 Thank you for sending my volume of Emerson. 他的一字一句 都写出我的心声 His words come home to me like truth. 他说老成持重的人相信 邪恶的眼光使人衰弱... A deep man, he says, believes that the evil eye can wither... ...心中的祝福 能够愈合万事... ...that the hearts blessing can heal... ...而爱能克服万难 ...and that love can overcome all odds. 仅致上我对父亲最深的爱意 My dearest love to Father. 你的儿子 罗伯敬上 Your son, Robert. 1862年9月17日 马里兰州


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