Victoria and Abdul《维多利亚与阿卜杜勒(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Victoria and Abdul《维多利亚与阿卜杜勒(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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大部分根据真实历史事件改编... 阿格拉 1887 阿格拉: 印度北部一城市 英国已经殖民印度29年 你是蠢货吗! Idiot! 叫什么? 乔德里 总督办公室要你过去 卡里姆先生 Ah, Mr Karim. 本想跟你聊聊 I wanted to speak to you about the carpets 我们送给大英展览馆的地毯的事 we sent to the British Exhibition. - 有什么问题吗 长官? - 不 没问题 - There is a problem, sir? - No, no. 地毯的事非常顺利 The carpets went down very well. 事实上 总督收到了 In fact, the Governor General 一封来自皇室的信件 has received a letter from the Royal Household 信中对他表示感谢 thanking him personally. 展览非常成功 Its all been such a success, 总督决定向女王进献莫豪尔币金币 he has decided to present the Queen 作为女王登基五十周hearts;年hearts;庆hearts;典的一部分 with a mohar as part of the Jubilee. 莫豪尔币是什么 长官? A mohar, sir? 莫豪尔币 显然是某种纪念币 A mohar. Apparently some sort of ceremonial coin. 我被告知要找个高个子去进献 Ive been asked to find someone tall to present it. 你是这儿个子最高的人了 Youre the tallest person here. 女王何时到达 长官? When will she be arriving, sir? 不在阿格拉 在英国! Not in Agra, in England! 你将前往英国 You will travel to England. 执行进献莫豪尔币的公务 And present the mohar as an official function. 就像掌马官 Like an equerry. 骑在马上吗? On a horse? 并没有马 I dont think therell be a horse. 掌马官都是骑着马的 泰勒长官 Equerry always has a horse, Mr Tyler, sir. 好吧 可能并不太像掌马官 Well, maybe not like an equerry exactly. 早上好 Morning. 早上好 Ah, morning. 这是比格少校 This is Major Bigge, 他会在你们等着去温莎王室过程中给你们进行额外培训 extra Groom in Waiting to the Royal Household Windsor 是你们这趟行程的负责人 who will be in charge of your journey. 这是阿卜杜勒 This is Abdul. 很好! 这是穆hearts;罕hearts;默hearts;德hearts; Top hole! And this is Mohammed, 他也会一同进献莫豪尔币 who will also be presenting the mohar. 他很矮啊 Hes very short. 我们最后关头换上他的 We had to swop him at the last moment. 之前那个高个子从大象上摔下来了 The tall chap had an accident with an elephant. 白金汉宫 早上好 女王陛下 Good morning, Your Majesty. 最前面是宫务大臣 At the head is the Lord Chamberlain, 然后是私人秘书 副私人秘书 then the Private Secretary, the Deputy Private Secretary, 宫女 一等高级侍从 the Ladies in Waiting, the Upper Servants, 二等高级侍从 the lower Upper Servants. 然后是王室成员 Then the members of the Household: 一 寝务长 One, the head of the Bedchamber, 二 私人侍从长 two, the personal head of staff, 三


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