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《专业英语》课程教学大纲 Professional English for Educational Technology 学时数: 36 其中:实验学时: 0 课外学时: 0 学分数: 2 适用专业:教育技术学专业 执笔者: 梁燕葵 编写日期: 2005 年 9 月 一、课程的性质、目的和任务 本课程是教育技术专业选修课程, 通过本课程的教学, 加强学生对教育技术学词汇的熟悉程度,培养学生掌握教育技术学专业的相关专业词汇及阅读、翻译、写作的技巧和方法, 使学生能够熟练地查阅相关的科技文献, 并能流利阅读和翻译相关的专业资料, 为将来更深入地学习和从事科研工作打下坚实的英语语言基础。 本课程的基本任务是在英语学习中掌握专业知识,在专业学习的同时提升英语水平。 二、课程教学的基本要求 着力帮助学生理解教育技术学的基础知识、 基本理论和基本技能, 了解教育技术学研究的最新进展和研究动向,同时要使学生学习用英语交流教育技术学的基本知识与基本技能 (如阅读、 撰写专业文献、 与国内外同行用英语进行交流, 这就涉及到了英语语言的读、 说、听、写、译等技能) ,为今后进一步学习和工作服务。 三、课程的教学内容、重点和难点 Chapter One The Evolution of the Definition Section A The Early Definitions Section B The AECT ’s Definitions in 1994 Section C Assumptions behind the AECT ’s Definitions in 2005 Section D The Future of Definition 重点: The AECT ’s Definitions in 1994 难点: Assumptions behind the AECT ’s Definitions in 2005 Chapter Two The History of Instructional Technology Section A Pre-1920 Section B 1920s-1940s Section C 1950s-1970s Section D 1980s-Present 重点: 1980s-Present 难点: 1950s-1970s Chapter Three Instructional Technology: Present and Future Section A The Positive and Negative Trends of Instructional Technology Development Section B The Diverse Status of Instructional Technology Section C The Professionalizing of the Field Section D The Training of the Professionals Section E Choosing Our Future 重点: The Diverse Status of Instructional Technology 难点: The Professionalizing of the Field Chapter Four Learning Theories Section A Why Theories of Learning Section B The Behaviorist Orientation to Learning Section C Cognitive Information-Processing Theory Section D Constructivism Section E Four Research Orientation to Learning 重点: Cognitive Information-Processing Theory 难点: Constructivism Chapter Five Communication Theories Section A Defining Communication Section B What Is Communication Theory Section C A Basic Linear Model Section D Models of Communication 重点: Process of Communication: 难点: Models of Communication Chapter Six Instructional Theories Section A Gagne’s Theory of Ins


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