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英语小童话故事大全 童话的幻想、夸张、拟人等都具有极大的快乐因素,而儿童在童话境界中的大胆自由驰骋更加剧了快乐的感受。 A fisherman who could play the flute1 went down one day to the sea-shore with his nets and his lute2; and, taking his stand on a projecting rock; began to play a tune3, thinking that the music would bring the fish jumping out of the sea. He went on playing for some time, but not a fish appeared: so at last he threw down his flute and cast his net into the sea, and made a great haul of fish. When they were landed and he saw them leaping about on the shore, he cried, You rascals4! You wouldnt dance when I piped: but now I’ve stopped, you can do noting else! 有一天,一个会吹长笛的渔夫带着笛子和渔网来到海边,他站在一块突出海面的岩石上,开始吹笛子,希望用笛声引诱鱼儿跳出海面。渔夫吹奏了一会儿,没有一条鱼出来。当渔夫把网拖上岸后,看见鱼儿在岸边不停地跳跃,他便说:“你们这些淘气鬼,我吹笛子时,你们不肯跳;现在不吹了,你们却在这里欢蹦乱跳!” In the past, there was a man named Ai Zi who was fond of sailing on the sea. One night, Ai Zi had his boat moored1 near a small island Around midnight, he seemed to hear someone weeping or talking under the water. So he listened intently, and soon he heard someone say: Yesterday the Dragon King issued an order that all living creatures with tails in water are to be beheaded. I am an alligator2 and have a tail. I am very frightened of being slaughtered3, so I am crying. You are a toad4 and dont have a tail. What are you weeping for? After a while, Ai Zi seemed to hear someone answer: Though I have no tail now, I am afraid that I may be traced back to the time when I was a tadpole5 with a tail then, so I am weeping. 从前,有个叫艾子的’人,喜欢在海上航行。 一天晚上,船停泊在一个小岛的附近。大约半夜时分,他仿佛听到水底下有人发出哭泣的声音,又好像有人在说话。于是,他认认真真地听了下去。一会儿,他听到有人说:“昨天龙王下了命令,水中的动物,凡是有尾巴的都必须斩首。我是鳄,有尾巴,非常害怕遭到杀戮,所以哭了起来。你是蛤蟆,又没有尾巴,哭什么呀?” 一会儿,他仿佛又听到有人回答说:“我现在虽然没有尾巴,但是我害怕会追究到我蝌蚪年代的事情上去,因为那时候我是有尾巴的,所以哭泣。” Once upon a time, there was a man named Naboth, who had a very nice vineyard. He inherited1 the vineyard from his father, he got a lot of money from it. One day the king passed by the vineyard, he found th


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