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2021年高考英语作文押题卷及例文 押题卷一作文 假定你是李华,你代表学校参加了全市中学生写作大赛并获得一等奖。学校请你给全校 学生介绍你的写作经验。请根据提示,写一篇英语发言稿,并刊登在校报英文版上。 1、经常背诵优美的英语短文。 2、广泛阅读英语文章。 3、其他 (可自由发挥)。 Boys and girls, Im Lihua , a student of our school . On behalf of our school , I took part in a writing competition and won the first prize. Now Id like to share my writing experience with you. First of all, there is no doubt that I often recite some beautiful English essays/articles/passages/texts, which help me think in English when I write English articles . Besides, I also read a variety of articles in English books, newspapers and magazines so that I can learn many useful words and expressions. Whats more , I think it is important for us students to learn English grammar , listen to the radio and practice speaking English a lot . Finally , I keepwriting English diary , which is a good habit. I hope what I have said can be helpful to you . Thank you for your reading /Thats all, thankyou. 昆一中6 假如你是光华中学的毕业生李华,现你母校的校刊版请你代毕业生给高一新生写一篇主 题为 “How to live a successful life in high school 的文章,要点如下: 1、如何做人; 2、如何合作; 3、如何学习。 How to live a successful life in high school As a representative of graduates , I am extremely honored to write something about the school life from my perspective, hoping it can be of use for you. Honesty , reliability and responsibilities are supposed to be the key of being qualified students. For example, you can spare no effort to help your schoolmates and teachers in trouble and assist your parents with some housework . Besides , team spirit can strengthen your friendship to some extent . Specifically speaking , you are expected to absorb others precious advice and discuss with others when disagreements arises. As for the study, being modest and hard-working are the secrets for it. Sincerely hoping these tips can be useful and wishing you a successful high school life. 押题卷二作文 假定你是李华,


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