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北师大版高中英语必修第二册全册重点语法 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u Unit 4 Information Technology 1 Unit 5 Humans And Nature 9 Unit 6 The Admirable 15 Unit 4 Information Technology 过去将来时 一、基本构成 过去将来时表示从过去某个时间看将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常用于宾语从句或间接引语中。过去将来时常用“should/would+动词原形”或“was/were going to+动词原形”来表达。 [合作探究] 画出下列句子中的过去将来时 示例:I asked if he would__come__and__fix my TV set. ①He asked me yesterday when I should__leave for Paris. ②They wanted to know how they would__finish the homework earlier. ③I wish I would__go with him to the cinema tonight. ④I was told that he was__going__to__return home. ⑤He said that he would__wait for me at the school gate. [自主发现1] 过去将来时是由“should/would+动词原形”或“was/were__going__to+动词原形”构成的。 过去将来时的基本特征,即“立足过去,着眼未来”。它表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的某个动作或存在的某种状态。但这个“将来”时间绝不会延伸到“现在”,而仅限于“过去时间区域内”。 二、用法 [合作探究]  He said that he would wait for us at the bus stop. 他说他要在车站等我们的。 Whenever we had trouble, he would come to help us. 每当我们遇到困难时,他总会给予帮助。 I didn’t know when she would come,but when she came I would let you know. 我不知道她什么时候来,但她来了我会告诉你。 The teacher said that it would be very difficult to make progress if I didn’t work hard.老师说,如果我不努力学习的话,就很难取得进步。 We were going to go to the cinema when the phone rang. 我们正准备去电影院,这时电话响了。 [自主发现2] (1)过去将来时可以表示从过去某时看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 (2)条件状语从句和时间状语从句中须用一般过去时代替过去将来时。 (3)was/were going to do表示准备、计划做某事,或将要发生某事。 [名师提醒] 表示过去的某种习惯性行为,只用would。 [巩固内化1] 单句语法填空/完成句子 ①Li Ming said he would__be (be) happy if Brian came (come) to China next month. ②He was fifty-six.In two years he would__be (be) fifty-eight. ③She hoped that they would__meet again someday. 她希望将来有一天他们能再见面。 ④She didn’t tell me where__she__would__go. 她没有告诉我她要去哪儿。 ⑤Last Sunday we were__going__to__visit__the__Great__Wall,__but it rained. 上星期天我们本想去游览长城的,但却下雨了。 三、其他结构 [合作探究]  I couldn’t go to Tom’s birthday party as I was about to go to hospital. 我不能参加汤姆的生日晚会,因为我要去医院。 He was on the point of leaving when we came in. 我们进来时,他正要动身。 A lot of people were coming to watch the fireworks. 有许多人要来观看焰火。 She told her mother that she wa


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