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PAGE PAGE # PAGE PAGE # 湖南安全技术职业学院 授 课 教 案 (2015- 2016学年 第2学期) 课程代码:课程名称: 大学英语 任课教师: 崔彪 专业班级: 应用英语1553、1556班 教学周数: 1-3 周学时数: 12 课时 教研室主任审批: 系(部)主任审批: 2016 年 2 月 28 湖南安全技术职业学院备课纸 湖南安全技术职业学院备课纸 PAGE PAGE # 湖南安全技术职业学院备课纸 湖南安全技术职业学院备课纸 PAGE PAGE # 授课班级 应英 1556 应英 1553 第 1 课 教 案 授课时间 2. 29 2. 29 星期 星期一 星期一 授课地点 明203 明103 课 题 内 容 Hello! 教学目的 1. Greet ing and say ing goodbye Un dersta nding classroom Ian guage 教学方法 Teachi ng and expla ining Discussi on Exemplificati on Practisi ng 重 占 Greeti ng and say ing goodbye 难 占 Un dersta nding classroom Ian guage 能力培养 Liste ning. Speak ing. Read ing and Tran slati on 课 堂 类 型 New less on 教 具 /、 None 丄 Preview Unit 1 Procedures: Stepl. Leading in: Warm-up Exercises: Review what we lear ned last period. Step2. Presentation of new materials The English-speaking world Match the people with the places on the map. Then listen and check your an swer. Good morning! I m Peter and I m CanadANAI—A— Good evening! I m Jim. I m Au—i—i—^AUSTRALIA Good afternoon! I m Maria and I m Sout—-AfrSOUlTH AFRICA Hi! I m Emma and I m B—i—— UK I m Melissa. I m a New ZesGanrttnight. NEW ZEALAND Hello! I m Samantha and I m A——carUSA Hello! I m James and I —-IrishlRELAND Greetings Choose and complete. Hello. Bye. Goodbye Good ni ght Good after noon Good morning Good eve ning Numbers 0-100 Listen and repeat. zero one two three four five six seve n eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty thirty-one forty forty-five fifty fifty-seve n sixty sixty-eight PAGE PAGE # PAGE PAGE # seventy eighty ninety one hundred Listen and write the numbers. 17 43 62 12 38 20 88 100 Colours Listen and repeat. What colour is it? white red yellow purple brow n gree n orange black grey pink light blue dark blue Look at the flags below for one minute and then close your book Talk in pairs as in the example. e.g. A: What colour is the British flag? At school Li


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