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英语求职自我介绍信 Basic information Name: xxx Gender: Female Date of Birth: 1986.08.18 National: Han ID: 362301 **** Height: 163 Account is located: current Ganzhou, Jiangxi: Jiangxi Shangrao Graduate institutions: the political landscape of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology: members Highest level of education: undergraduate professional repair by: Town Planning Personnel types: ordinary job graduation date: 2021.07 Contact Contact Tel: Contact Address: Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Town Planning 041 class Zip code: 341000 E-mail: dearzbandga@yahoo Personal Website: Job intentions Job type: Full-time Position: Town Planner, Assistant Planner Hope Location: Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xiamen Wish to pay: Negotiable Education and training experience From September 2021 to July 2021, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Town Planning Bachelor Practical experience Professional practice: 1,2021年12 months - in January 2021, Guangzhou Urban Planning Survey and Design Institute of Planning, two interns to participate in the Guangzhou Tianhe Software Park District GAOTANG detailed planning control. At the same time, responsible for clerical work, reception guests to assist in day-to-day affairs and planning projects of some of the matters reported. 2,2021 11 months - December 2021 Urban and Rural Planning Institute of Jiangxi Province 2 intern Drawings, the Office of day-to-day clerical duties. During the internship period, and his colleagues were living together harmoniously, and with an open mind to learn, thus further strengthening the capacity of theory and practice, the determination of a more determined effort! 3,2021年08 months - September 2021 Design Institute Co., Ltd. Guangdong reputation Interns primarily the work of urban planning to assist the planners of the day-to-day tasks, rendering CAD drawings, independently of the draft


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