One Story A Day小学十月(少10-30)(加拿大).docx

One Story A Day小学十月(少10-30)(加拿大).docx

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10-1 Don’t Fix It Luke had a new alarm clock. It was big and round with two bells on top. It ticked and tocked all night long. In the morning, it jangled and rang loud enough to wake the whole neighbourhood! Luke wondered how it worked. So, he used his father’s tools to open the clock. Springs and bits exploded everywhere! Luke tried to put them all back in the clock, but they wouldn’t fit. So, he sat on the clock until it closed. He turned the key and shook the clock. It made funny rattling noises, but it wouldn’t tick or tock! Luke put the springs and bits in a box. He decided to take the box to his Uncle Tony. Uncle Tony looked at the bits. He looked at Luke. Then, he got his car and took Luke to the store to buy a new clock. “Remember, Luke!” Uncle Tony said, “If something works, DON’T FIX IT!” 10-2 That’s a BIG Pumpkin Harry Redin has a strange hobby. When he first started his hobby, all his friends laughed at him. What is Harry’s hobby? Harry grows pumpkins -- GIANT pumpkins. Last year, Harry set the world record for growing the biggest pumpkin. How big was it? It was 914 pounds! Measured with a tape, it was 14 feet around its middle. It took nearly fifteen people to move it. And, if you carved it out, it was big enough for three people to get inside. Harry laughed and said, “You could make nearly 1,000 pumpkin pies with this pumpkin.” It takes a lot of work to grow a pumpkin like this one. But it’s Harry’s hobby and he loves it. How much did Harry win at the competition? He took home a cheque for $15,000. His friends aren’t laughing at his hobby now. 10-3 Apple Time Last Saturday, Janet and her friends went to an apple orchard. They had been waiting for this day for months. Back in early September, their teacher told them, “One day this fall, we are all going to pick apples.” Finally, the day came. When the school bus pulled up to the orchard, the children couldn’t wait to get off. There were apples everywhere! Some were on high branches.



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