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关注四六级真题大全微信公众号获取更多资料 2019年6月大学英语六级考试真题答案与详解(第二套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) 【参考范文】 How to deal with the complicated interpersonal relationships always remains a major worry for most of us. Wise words or books that aim to teach us to tackle this daunting issue are, almost without exception, putting stress on mutual understanding and respect, the significance of which seems self-evident. Mutual understanding requires us to put ourselves in each others place and be forgiving of others5 difficulties. By doing so, we will become more easy-going and accessible, and thus more likely to avoid unnecessary conflicts and frictions with others, a common trigger for a failed relationship. Mutual respect— for privacy, lifestyles, hobbies, professions, opinions and the like— helps create a friendly atmosphere that encourages us to share and exchange our ideas openly without the fear of feeling offended. To sum up, this principle of socializing is certainly a prerequisite for healthy and stable interpersonal relationships. Neglect of it will lead us to end up being estranged from, or even hostile to, each other. 【范文译文】 如何处理复杂的人际关系始终是我们大多数人的 一 大烦恼。意在教会我们解决这一 棘手 一 问题的簸言或书籍几乎无 例外都在强调相互理解与尊重, 二者的重要性似乎不言而喻。 相互理解要求我们能换位思考并体谅他人的难处。 如此 一 来, 我们会变得更容易相处, 更平易近人,从而更可能避免与他人产生不必要的冲突与摩擦(导致关系破裂的常见原因)。 尊重对方的隐私、生活方式、 兴趣爱好、职业、观点等有助于营造一 种友好的氛围,能促使 我们坦诚地分享交流自己的想法,而不会担心有被冒犯的感觉。 总之,这一 交往准则无疑是使人际关系保持健康稳定的必要前提。忽视这一 准则会导致 双方最终疏远彼此, 甚至对彼此怀有敌意。 【经典表达】 令One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) 真正的友谊所具有的最美好的特质便是相互理解。(鲁齐乌斯·安奈乌斯·塞内加) 令When two friends understand each other totally, the words are soft and strong like an orchids perfume. (Mart



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