01 写人记叙文1-2021年高考英语写作考前快速提分秘籍.pptx

01 写人记叙文1-2021年高考英语写作考前快速提分秘籍.pptx

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写人记叙文(上);高考八大满分评分标准 1.覆盖全部要点 2.结构合理 3.详略得当 4.过渡自然 5.高级词汇 6.复杂句式 7.语法正确 8.合理想象;写人满分范文素材 When I began studying at my middle school three years ago, I was introduced to Sara Smith, the school’s headmistress. Her smart appearance and warm, friendly expression made me like her immediately. She is a small-boned, smiling woman in her early fifties, with twinkling blue eyes and soft, silver curls. Although she dresses simply, she always manages to look elegant. She is a very fair-minded person who treats everyone at the school with equal respect. Despite clasping her hands nervously when she is upset, she is usually very calm, which is shown by her ability to keep her temper in the most difficult situations. Her quiet voice and gentle, caring manner make her popular with the children.;Ms Smith had no children of her own; however, she says that she feels like a mother of the children in her school. In fact, she has no time for family life, since she dedicates her life to her job. Besides taking care of various administrative tasks every day, she always takes time to talk to the teachers and parents. To my mind, Sara Smith is a dedicated professional who is a wonderful role model, not only for the children but also for the teachers as well.;Describing a Person 掌握五大常见写作技法: 定语从句 追加说明 因果 转折 举例;structure 1.Introduction 2.Main body 3.Conclusion;1.introduction: 1)Who the person is 2)How/Where did you know him 第一段模板: When I began studying at my middle school three years ago, I was introduced to Sara Smith, the school’s headmistress. When I …years ago, I was introduced to Sara Smith, … When I moved to the new neighborhood 6 years ago, I was introduced to Mr Smith, a carpenter living opposite to my house ;2.main body 1.physical appearance 2.personalities 3.lifestyle ;3.conclusion feelings about the person ; Structure: 第一段:who the person is how you first met him 第二段:physical appearance (general-specific) 第三段: personalities(thesis-proof) 第四段:



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