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小猫钓鱼第31篇 素材源:facebook (原文有删改) /100001583307192/posts/2653378931391524?sfns=mo Vocabulary Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. territorial B. terribly C. defenseless D. abandon E. perspective F. composed G. progressive H. proceeded I. degrade J. air K. protests Open letter to all NBA fans: By now you have heard that Chinese fans have reacted extremely negatively to a tweet put out by Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey in support of _____1___in Hong Kong. The Rockets, who by far had been the favorite team in China, are now effectively shut out of the Chinese market as fans ____2___ their love for the team, broadcasters refuse to____3___their games and Chinese corporates pull sponsorships in droves. What is the problem with people freely expressing their opinion? This freedom is an inherent American value and the NBA has been very____4___ in allowing players and other constituents a platform to speak out on issues. The one thing that is ___5____misunderstood, and often ignored, by the western press and those critical of China is that 1.4 billion Chinese citizens stand united when it comes to the _____6_____integrity of China and the country’s sovereignty over her homeland. This issue is non-negotiable. A bit of historical ____7___is important. In the mid-19thcentury, China fought two Opium Wars with the British, aided by the French, who forced through illegal trade of opium to China. The invasion of Chinese territories by foreign forces continued against a weak and____8___Qing government, which precipitated in the Boxer Rebellion by Chinese peasants at the turn of the 20th century. In response, the Eight Nations Alliance – ____9____ of Japan, Russia, Britain, France, United States, Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary – dispatched their forces to occupy Chinese territories in the name of humanitarian intervention. The fore


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