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小猫钓鱼第49篇 素材源:卫报(原文有删改) /education/2019/sep/10/uk-work-visas-for-foreign-graduates-to-be-extended-to-two-years 、 Vocabulary Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. ensures B.presence C. campaigned D. entitled E.recruit F. access G. qualify H. disciplines I. overturning J. cap K. employment International students are to be offered a two-year work visa after graduating from a British university, the government will announce, ____1____ a key plank of Theresa May’s restrictive immigration policies. Currently, graduates with bachelors or master’s degrees are allowed to look for work for only four months. From next year all international graduates could____2____ for a two-year period to work in the UK, increasing their chances of finding long-term ____3____after studying. Under the new policy, the visas would have no____4____ on numbers and would allow graduates to apply for jobs regardless of their skills or the subject they studied. The government said part of the aim was to ____5___ talented graduates in_____6___such as maths, engineering and technology. Gavin Williamson, the education secretary, said: “The important contribution international students make to our country and universities is both cultural and economic. Their ____7___benefits Britain, which is why we’ve increased the period of time these students can remain in the UK after their studies. “Our universities thrive on being open global institutions. Introducing the graduate route ____8____our prestigious higher education sector will continue to attract the best talent from around the world to global Britain.” The announcement was greeted with enthusiasm by Universities UK, which represents 130 institutions. Alistair Jarvis, the chief executive of Universities UK, said the previous visa regime put the UK at a “competitive disadvantage” in recruiting


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