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小猫钓鱼第13篇 素材源:bbc(原文有删改) /news/world-asia-china Vocabulary Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. contracted B. resorted C.professionals D. attacked E. add F. involving G. errors H. disturbing I. obtaining J. related K. bans China has introduced a new law with the aim of preventing violence against medical workers. The law ___1____any organisation or individual from threatening or harming the personal safety or dignity of medical workers, according to state media. It will take effect on 1 June next year. Yang Wen was working at Beijing Civil Aviation General Hospitals emergency ward on 24 December when she was____2___by a man. Chinese media claims he was_____3___to a patient who was receiving treatment on the ward. Under the new law, those _____4_____ the medical environment, or harming medical workers safety and dignity will be given administrative punishments such as detention or a fine. It will also punish people found illegally ____5___, using or disclosing peoples private healthcare information. Its not the first case of a death or violence in a Chinese hospital. According to CGTN, there were at least 12 medical incidents ____6____ violence and two medical workers were killed in 2018 alone. A recent survey by Dingxiang Yuan, an online site for healthcare____7____, found 85% of doctors had experienced violence in their workplace. The article went on to ____8_____: Doctors are responsible for protecting society from diseases. Who protects doctors? An article in medical journal The Lancet claims there are many reasons why doctors in Chinese hospitals are under threat. Poor funding can result in ____9____or breakdowns in communication between doctors and patients, while other factors include negative media reports about medical staff, unrealistic expectations and large healthcare bills fo


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