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小猫钓鱼第2篇 素材源:CNN(原文有删改) /2020/01/06/health/china-pneumonia-intl-hnk/index.html Vocabulary Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. identify B. prompted C. outbreak . D. excluded E. complaints F. critical G. sympathy H. invasive I. transmitted J. symptoms K. alert A mysterious virus is making China (and the rest of Asia) nervous. Its not SARS, so what is it? (CNN)Chinese health authorities have not been able to _____1____ a mysterious strain of pneumonia (肺炎)that has infected dozens of people and put the rest of Asia on_____2___ -- although they have ruled out a return of the deadly? \t /var/folders/k1/zs_2wfv1009ckvvvgbjqvjd40000gn/T/com.kingsoft.wpsoffice.mac/wps-songxiao/x/_blank severe acute respiratory syndrome?(SARS) virus. A total of 59 cases of unknown viral pneumonia have been reported in the city of Wuhan, central China, with seven patients in_____3___ condition, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission said in a statement on Sunday. All patients are being treated in quarantine, and no deaths have been reported. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ____4____of the pneumonia are mainly fever, with a number of patients having difficulty breathing, and chest radiographs showing ____5____lesions (损伤)of both lungs. The ____6____came to light in late December and ______7____fears in China of a possible resurgence(复苏) of SARS, an acute viral respiratory illness first reported in the country in 2002 that caused a pandemic that ripped through Asia. SARS? \t /var/folders/k1/zs_2wfv1009ckvvvgbjqvjd40000gn/T/com.kingsoft.wpsoffice.mac/wps-songxiao/x/_blank spread to 37 countries worldwide, infected more than 8,000 people and killed 774 from November 2002 to July 2003. The illness is brought on by a coronavirus, and symptoms include fever, cough, severe headache, dizziness and other flu-lik


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