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软体动物门There are about 93,000 described, living mollusc species and 70,000 known fossil molluscs. 软体动物门的主要类群GastropodaMonoplacophoraCephalopodaBivalviaScaphopodaPolyplocophoraaplacophora常见多板类Three normal chitons腹足纲Subclass Prosobranchia 前鳃亚纲Subclass Pulmonata 肺螺亚纲Subclass ProsobranchiaSubclass ProsobranchiaSubclass Pulmonata常见腹足类:Subclass PulmonataAplysia californicaAplysia californicaAplysia californicaAeolidia papillosaAeolidia papillosaArchidoris montereyensisAmina maculataCadlina luteomarginataDendrodoris fulvaAnisodoris nobilisAnisodoris nobilisHermissenda crassicornisHermissenda crassicornisPhidiana hiltoniiPhidiana hiltoniiPhidiana hiltoniiFlabellina iodineaTriopha maculataTriopha catalinaeTriopha catalinaeTritonia festivaTritonia festivaJanolus babarensisJanolus babarensisAriolimax columbianusAriolimax columbianusAriolimax columbianus双壳纲Laterally compressed, shell typically of two valves hinged 绞合 together dorsally by elastic ligament 韧带and shell-teeth; shells closed by adductor muscles;One pair large bipectinate ctenidia 栉鳃, used in combination with labial palps 触唇 in ciliary feeding;Large mantle cavity; posterior edges of mantle often fused to form inhalant and exhalant siphons 出水管;Includes about 20, 000 living species, very successful in the marine, freshwater environment.常见瓣鳃类Generalized anatomy of an oyster常见掘足类 头足纲With linearly chambered 隔 shell, usually reduced or lost;If external shell present (nautilus 鹦鹉螺), animal inhabits last (youngest) chamber;Body cavity large, circulatory system largely closed;Head with large, complex eyes and circle of prehensile arms 捕捉腕 or tentacles 触腕 around mouth; mantle forms large ventral pallial cavity containing ctenidia栉鳃;With muscular funnel 漏斗(the siphon) through which water is forced, providing jet propulsion;Benthic 底栖 or pelagic 远洋性, marine; about 900 living species.Nautilus sp.气室内充满氮气,用来调节机体上下游动Teuthoida常见头足类SepiaSepiaSepiaGenerealized anatomy of a squidWith an arm span of nearly 10 m and a weight of over 250 kg


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