About the Corona Virus2019 What shoud we know?我们应该知道什么?.pptx

About the Corona Virus2019 What shoud we know?我们应该知道什么?.pptx

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About the Corona Virus 2019What shoud we know?What is a Corona Virus? The novel coronavirus is a highly contagious coronavirus that has not been discovered before. It has been proved to be widespread. The incubation period of novel coronavirus is usually 3-7 days, the longest is not more than 14 days. But unlike the SARS outbreak in 2013, the new coronavirus will spread during the incubation period without symptoms. It is also the reason that makes the prevention and cure of the virus very difficult.How are viruses transmitted?The novel coronavirus is mainly transmitted through droplet transmission and contact.If our hands are exposed to the virus, and we pick our noses, rub our eyes, lick our fingers before we wash our hands properly, or we breathe the air containing the virus without wearing face masksWe‘re likely to get the virus!!!What is the Symptoms? If we are infected with the virus, it will cause respiratory infection or even pneumonia. The symptoms include fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, dyspnea and so on. If we don‘t get timely treatment, one or two out of every 100 infected people may die.Horrible!!!How can we Prevent?Stay At Home! If we have to leave our home for shopping, working or school, we must wear our face masks properly. If we want to sneeze, we must cover our mouths and noses with paper towels or handkerchiefs, and try not to go to crowded and closed places. Most importantly,We should wash our hands carefully as soon as possible before we go home or eat or drink water.What should we do if infected? If you have any symptoms of infection, please inform your parents immediately and go to the hospital as soon as possible. Don’t worry, the doctors will take good care of you and your family.Summary First, the novel coronavirus is a virus with strong transmission and infection ability. We must be very careful about it. Second, the novel coronavirus will be transmitted through contact and air containing viruses. Third, if you get sick, you may h


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