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Test of Unit 19---Unit 21 Name Mark 听力部分(40分) 听单词,从A B、C三个选项中找出画线部分发音不同的选项  A. They want to go swimmi ng .B.They want to go skat in g.C..They want to go shopp ing. 笔试部分(60分) 四. 中英互译。(10分) ( )1.A.plate B. played C. stayed ( )2.A.regular _ B. hard _ C. party ( )3.A.walk B. salt _ _ C. fall _ ( )4.A.rise B. price _ C. wi nd _ ( )5.A.birds_ B. eats _C. nuts _ ?- ? 听录音, 选出你所听到的内容。 ( )1.A. price B. promise C. rise ( )2. A.ruler B. rabbit C. robber ( )3.A.west B. weather C. worker ( )4.A.in the day B. at ni ght C. i n a mome nt ( )5.A.It s win dy B. It s Sun day. C. It s over there 三. 根据听到的内容选择正确的答案。 ()1. What is Tom doi ng? He is doing his homework. B. He is watchi ng TV. C. He is writing a letter. ()2 .What are they doi ng? A. They are watch ing a movie. B. They are watchi ng TV C. They are going to the movie. ()3 Where is Betty s father? A. He is in the bedroom .B. He is in the living room C. He is in the classroom. ()4 .Who is Amy waiti ng for? A. She is waiting for Tim. B. She is waiting for Jim . C.She is waiting for Tom . ()5 What do they want to do?  1.在外面 2.剪下 3.闯入 4.逐渐 地 5.有规律的 6.go over to 7.degree Celsius 8.outlook 9.w on derful 10.because of 五. 选择填空。(10分) ( )1」 ,and put it in a bag. A.cut it dow n B .cut dow n it C cut dow n ( )2.Well ,I bought it the label. A.because B .for C because of D.on ( )3.After that, I someclothes the kitchen window. A. han g,i nside B hung,at C hang ,out D hung ,outside ()4.Ni na is a model. A.success B successful C un successful D successfully ()5.A:Did he draw any paintings last year?B:No,he didn t.But he a story book. A.writes B wrote C is writ ing ()6A : This my last day in the office ,Tom. B : Is it ? Why ? A.will be B was C does ()7A: Can you come to my birthday party Saturday eve ning? B:Sorry,I can t. I will go to Shanghai. A.in B. at C on ()8 A:Is your father going to play basketball with you? B:No,he . A. isn t B doesn t C didn ()9lt will be very cold A. i n the last week B .after several days C in the n ext few


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