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高等院校英语入学分级测试二级分类模拟题 9 ( 总分: 100.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 ) 一、 Vocabulary and Structure ( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00) 二、 Section A ( 总题数: 1,分数: 20.00) frustrate reward positive shelter intimidate weaken access worldly commitment slim assignment stuff largely embarrass noticeable benefit hopelessly insight grateful reap (分数: 20.00 ) (1).We are very 1 to you for your help when we are in trouble .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: grateful (2).Since he was out of work ,his life has been 1 confused .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: hopelessly (3).The scar on his cheek was 1 .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: noticeable (4).Their Success was 1 due to their shared effort .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: largely (5).How does she stay so 1 after giving birth to her twin sons? (分数: 1.00 ) 解析: slim (6).After ten years in London ,my sister is much more 1 than she used to be .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: worldly (7).The disease is steadily 1 her heart .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: weakening (8).The fund provides food and 1 for more than 70 families at one time .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: shelter (9).Teaching is a 1 career .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: rewarding (10).She was 1 by her failure in the college entrance exam .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: frustrated (11).If you want to improve your situation , you must adopt a 1 attitude .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: positive (12).He said he would never be 1 by his opponents power .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: intimidated (13).If you do not have 1 to the Internet ,well send someone to help you .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: access (14).Your 1 to the project is very much appreciated by management .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: commitment (15).Robin spent many lunch hours doing his math 1 .(分数: 1.00 ) 解析: assignments (16).The others 1 her when they laughed at her mistake. (分数: 1.00 ) 解析: embarrassed (17).After seeing my friend 1 the benefits of hard study, I now believe that hard work pays off. (分数: 1.00 ) 解析: reap (18).Studying science gave me great 1 into natural law. (分数: 1.00 ) 解析: insight (19).Critics argue that the tax cuts will only 1 large companies. (分数: 1.00 ) 解析: benefit (20).Whats this sticky 1 on the floor? (分数: 1.00 ) 解析: s


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