小学英语_Unit 2 My favorite season Part A Lets learn教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

小学英语_Unit 2 My favorite season Part A Lets learn教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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教学设计 Warm up. Greeting. 复习已学关于活动的词汇和句型。 1. Free talk What’s the weather like? It’s… warm, hot, cool, cold, sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy 2. Free talk What’s your favourite food? What’s your favourite fruit? What’s your favourite teacher? What’s your favourite season? 【设计意图:天气的复习可为新的对话练习做好词汇铺垫,free talk 2 句型的复习可以引出新知】 presentation PPT呈现 Now look at this picture. Which season is it?。 ①T: Spring. Yes, it’s a warm season!(板书spring,领读,分析其读音:spring,ring)What’s the weather like in spring? Ss:It’s sunny and warm . Sometimes it’s windy. T:what colour is it in spring. . ②T:由ice-cream推出summer. Ss:Summer. T: summer 板书,领读并分析其发音,突出u的发音总结:but, cut, jump PPT出示It is ____and the days are_____. Ss: hot and long ③T: Now we have learned two new words about season. Let’s have a chant about them.【设计意图:巩固加深spring和summer,调节课堂氛围。】 ④T:There are many fruits and farmers are busy. Which season is it? Ss: Autumn. T:autumn板书,领读,扩展fall ⑤T:Look,it’s very cold, it’s snowy and it’s white. Which season is it? Ss:Winter. T:winter板书,领读,引导学生总结er发音summer,father,mother【设计意图:呈现核心词汇,逐步引导学生在情境中对新词进行问答,在讲解过程中渗透自然拼读教学。】 Games: ①What’s missing? ② Read and guess 【设计意图:利用游戏的方式巩固核心词汇,活跃课堂气氛。】 Listen and answer T: We are talking about seasons. Mr. Jones and the children are talking about seasons too. Let’s listen and answer the following questions: What does Mr Jones ask? Which season does Oliver like ? Why? 【设计意图:导入课本对话,引出重点句型。】 Listen and repeat 听音正音。 【设计意图:训练学生的听,让学生去听地道的英语发音。】 Let’s practice. T: Which season do you like best? Now you can ask and answer in pairs. 【设计意图:在听与模仿这个输入过程后,让学生自己练习,正确输出;互相间的问答既可以让学生感知真实的语境也可以互相纠音正音。】 production draw a picture of the four seasons and describe. progress 随堂练习 Homework Make your mind map about the four seasons. (在对于单词的操练这一环节,可以采用拍手,编歌谣等多样化的形式操练) 学情分析 小学五年级的学生,在英语的学习上已经有了一定的基础,但是对于英语学习的兴趣属于减退阶段,有的学生甚至出现了厌学英语的情绪。 其次就是随着英语学习的深入,有的同学不知道如何自主的学习英语,学习的目的性不强,所以出现学习英语厌倦的态度。针对以上的学情问题,在讲课的过程中我注重做到一下几


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