谍影重重第一部(英文台词)The Bourne Identity.pdf

谍影重重第一部(英文台词)The Bourne Identity.pdf

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谍影重重1 英文台词The Bourne Identity 剧情简介 海报杰森·伯恩在意大利被人从海上救起,他失去了记忆,除了臀 部的瑞士银行帐号之外,他完全没有办法证明自己的身份。 杰森从瑞士银行找到了大量的现金,六本护照,一把枪,同时他 发现自己格斗、枪械、和语言等方面的能力,他开始追查自己的身份, 并且把陌生女子玛丽,也卷了进来。两人从瑞士到巴黎,一路上受到 神秘杀手组织的追杀,危机重重。 杰森能否化险为夷,找到自己的真实身份?他是否有勇气面对真 相? 《谍影重重》(The Bourne Identity)是一部2002年美德合拍的 间谍动作片,改编自罗伯特 ·鲁德鲁姆同名小说,由道格 ·里曼执导, 主要演员包括马特 ·达蒙、克里斯 ·库柏、弗兰卡·波坦特、朱丽娅 ·斯 蒂尔斯。 影片主要讲述了马特 ·达蒙饰演的患有极端记忆丧失的男主角杰 森 ·伯恩,试图在逃避美国中央情报局追杀的同时发掘出自己的真实 身份。 影片于2002年6月14 日在美国公映。 第 1 页 共 54 页 The Bourne Identity MediterraneanSea 60 miles southof Marseilles People speaking in French: What a mess. Youve neverseen a dead man before? Put a blanket on him.Cover him. Imcoming. Be careful. One minute.Ill be right there.Cover him. laser shows:Gemeinschaft Bank Zurich 00-7-17-12-0-14-26 (苏黎世戈曼萨银行 00-7-17-12-0-14-26) Bourne:What the hellare youdoingto me? French...(不知道讲什么!) Bourne:What are youdoing? Goddamn it!Where am I? Giancarlo:A boat.A fishing boat.Youwere inthe water.We pullyouout. Bourne:What water? Giancarlo: You were shot. See? There are the bullets. Oh. Look. There is a 第 2 页 共 54 页 numberfora bank.Why was it inyou hip? Bourne:My hip? Giancarlo:Why was it inyou hip?Yeah.Inyour hip underthe skin. Bourne:Uh.Oh, God! Giancarlo:You need to rest. Wait. Please. Slow down. Im a friend. Im your friend. huh? My name is Giancarlo. Who are you? Whats your name? Whats your name? Bourne:Uh, I dont know.Oh, God. Central IntelligenceAgency Langley,Virginia Man:Its beenconfirmed, sir.Missionfailed. Fishing boat Bourne inFrench:DoyouknowwhoIam?Ido not knowwhoIam.Tellmewho I am.If you know who I am... Please stop messing around...and tell me. Giancarlo:If youwant to eat,you betterget inthere. Bourne:Based onthese charts, Ithink I may have beencloserto the coast. Giancarlo:Whats this?Youtied these knots? So it start to come back, huh? Bourne:No,itdoesnt starttocome back.The knots likeever


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