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University of Wales 英国威尔士大学 BACHELOR OF ARTS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Hons.) 工商管理文学学士(荣誉)学位课程 Year 1 第一学年 Module Code B2 科目代码: 科目代码: Economics 经济学 September 2009 2010年9月 Assignment Marking Scheme 作业评分标准 作业题目: 郑州市住房价格走势分析 The Analysis on Zhengzhou^s Housing Price Trends Date Issued: September,25-30^2010 布置日期: 2010 年 9 月 25-30 日 Submission Date: December,20,2010 递交日期: 2010年12月20日 (Value: 50% of Total Module Assessment) UOW Assignment Marking Sheet Student Name (PINYIN): Student Number: Part Basic =1」x 1.2 Max Score 100% Note 1 2 Overall for art Standards Academic Integrity 学术诚实性 100% 1」 Basic Language Ability 基木语言能力 100% inncz. 1.2 r or mai —Z?1 X Z.Z X Z?J X Z?却 Size篇幅 1 uu /c 100% 2.1 Structure 结构 100% 2.2 Formatting 格式 100% 2.3 Quotations 引用 1丄丄22丄24 100% 2.4 I asK —J. 1 十 J.Z 十 J.J 十 J.*4 Please investigate the basic cases of the supply and demand of the real estate market in Zhengzhou. It should in elude the influences of the real estate developer supplying commercial residential buildings and the constraints of the individual residents buying their housings 调杏郑州市住房供给与需求的基本情况,包 括房地产开发商供给商品房的影响因素、居 民个人购买住房的制约因索等。 1UU fC 25% 3.1 According to these investigation results,you can choose some main influences of the real estate developer developing commercial building to analyze,choose some main constraints of the citizen buying his housing to evaluate? 根据调杳结果,对开发商开发商品房的主要 影响因素进行分析,对居民购买住房的主要 制约因素进行评价。 35% 3.2 Forecasting its tendency of the housing price in Zhengzhou city according to above menti on ed in fluences,the n coming up with some valuable suggestions for the investment of individuals and enterprises in the real estate. 根据房地产价格的影响因素对郑州市住房 价格将来的走势进行预测,为个人和金业进 行房地产投资提出合理化的建议。 25% 3.3 Deliver the online in time and communicate with the teacher. 论文提纲与指导教师沟通 10% 3.4 Hand in the assignments in time 按时交作业 A 1丄/I 0丄彳Q 5% 3.5 vonieni —1 十 4.Z + 4. J Knowledge Models Theory 知识结构与理论 1 \)\) /c 45% 4」 Application of real materials and the suggestion of solving the


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