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PAGE 10 PAGE 10 摘要 近些年来随着我国焊接技术发展迅速,对工业制造的要求也越来越高。因此有着高效率和高质量的TIG-MAG双电弧复合焊接工艺也被更多焊接工作者重视。本课题研究单MAG电弧焊与TIG-MAG双电弧焊的焊缝成形不同,通过单MAG焊、TIG-MAG焊、MAG-TIG焊三种焊接方式的成形样貌对比得出结论。试验结果表明:MAG-TIG双电弧复合焊焊接相比单MAG电弧焊焊接低合金高强钢Q345-B,焊缝余高从2.5 mm增大到2.67 mm,焊缝熔宽从4.33 mm增宽到4.67 mm;TIG-MAG双电弧复合焊相比单MAG电弧焊焊接低合金钢Q345-B,焊缝余高从2.5 mm增大到2.83 mm,焊缝熔宽从4.33 mm增宽到6.17 mm;TIG-MAG双电弧复合焊焊相比MAG-TIG双电弧复合焊焊接低合金高强钢Q345-B,焊缝余高从2.67 mm增大到2.83 mm,焊缝熔宽从4.67 mm增宽到6.17 mm。 关键词:MAG-TIG复合焊 单MAG焊 焊接成形 Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of welding technology in China, the requirements for industrial manufacturing are becoming higher and higher. Therefore, TIG -MAG hybrid welding technology with high efficiency and high quality has been paid more attention by welding workers. In this study, the welding seam forming of single MAG arc welding is different from that of TIG-MAG double arc welding. A conclusion is drawn by comparing the forming appearance of three welding methods: Single MAG welding, TIG-MAG welding and MAG-TIG welding. The test results show that compared with the Single MAG arc welding of low alloy and high strength steel Q345B, the residual weld height increases from 2.5 mm to 2.67 mm, and the weld weld width increases from 4.33 mm to 4.67 mm. Compared with the Single-MAG arc welding of low-alloy high-strength steel Q345B, TIG-MAG dual-arc composite welding increased the residual weld height from 2.5 mm to 2.83 mm and the weld weld width from 4.33 mm to 6.17 mm. Compared with MAG-TIG dual-arc composite welding for low-alloy high-strength steel Q345B, the residual weld height increased from 2.67 mm to 2.83 mm, and the weld weld width increased from 4.67 mm to 6.17 mm. Key words: TIG -MAG hybrid welding Single MAG welding welding formation 第一章 绪论 1.1课题的背景及意义 随着航天航空、交通运输、海军制造等工业的快速发展,其外形尺寸、重量结构、质量要求也不断提高,焊接工作量逐步上升,优质高效焊接技术已经成为焊接工作者的研究对象,经数据统计,我国焊接工作量已经处于世界强国水平[1]。 为了提高焊接生产效率,有焊接方面的学者将双弧焊应用于中厚板的实际生产[2]。双电弧复合焊由两种焊接共同并列焊接完成,生产效率大大提升。并且运用两种电弧的作用可以有效降低焊前预热温度,甚至可以实现高强度焊前不预热[3]。因为焊前预热要求也很


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