Fabia“晶彩科技活动策略 .pptx

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Create by: Grey Date: Oct. 14;目录 Content;Part 1—活动策略及规划 Strategy and Plan;通过展示Fabia产品的环保和科技性能,提升Skoda品牌的知名度,丰富品牌内涵 Promote brand awareness and connotation by exhibition of environmental protection and science function;;城市及地点安排;Fabia “晶彩科技 锐意生活”预售巡展会 Fabia “Believe in your life” Pre-sale Touring Show;;生活无所不在 上班,下班 上网,逛街 游戏,娱乐 旅游,美食… … 每天我们都在生活 但是你真正触碰过你的生活吗? Every day is your life, but do you truly touch your life?;生活触觉 Touch your Life;生活化的产品力展示,分布于展区 Life Style of product;Part 2—硬体规划及设计 Plan and Design of Hardware;;活动场地总体效果图 Drawings of Scene;活动场地总体效果图 Drawings of Scene;活动场地总体尺寸图 Size Drawings of Scene;;;区域分布效果图 Drawings of Area;区域分布效果图 Drawings of Area;;区域分布效果图 Drawings of Area;;区域分布效果图 Drawings of Area;;;Part 3—活动软体规划 Plan of Software;;表演—闪客表演 Freeze-action Art Show;乐队表演Band performance: 1、邀请2人组的小型乐队 2 members band(1 male,1 female) 2、现场演唱阿信成名曲及Fabia主题曲 Live show with Shin famous songs and Fabia theme song 3、乐队在表演是与观众进行互动 During the show time, interact with audience 4、邀请观众上台一起演唱 such as invite an audience to sing a song together 5、表演时间为10分钟以内Show will be in ten minutes;车模表演Model show: 1、Fabia车模动感、激情、多彩、活力dynamic passionate model for Fabia 2、车模出场由主持人引导,并配合现场音乐 3、车模在舞台中心走秀时间为5分钟five minutes for a model to show 4、走秀结束后各自站立与车旁,并配合车辆展示model stand beside the car 5、消费者可以与车模进行合影customers can take pictures with models;;“比谁先堆满”“Who Is the First”: 1、Fabia车辆及Skoda抱枕为道具The Skoda pillows as props 2、主持人进行游戏互动Interactive 3、消费者在1分钟内往Fabia车内堆放抱枕 Put the pillows in the Fabia car within one minute 4、堆放最多的消费者赢得奖品—Fabia抱枕 The award is a Fabia pillow; Fabia是目前国内唯一同时标配Aux in音源输入功能,USB/SD卡插口的A0级轿车,这也体现了Skoda品牌睿智和奉献的内涵。 Fabia is the only one in A0 class, which has Aux in input facility and USB/SD port. It also reflects the wisdom and dedication to the Skoda brand connotation.;互动投影;虚拟展厅Virtual showroom 通过软件以3D立体的形式展示Skoda虚拟展厅。 To display the Skoda Virtual showroom in the form of three-dimensional 开放端口与触摸屏结合,拉近与消费者的距离,使其在体验的同时 感受到Skoda品牌以人为本理



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