初中英语_Module 10 Unit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person.教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_Module 10 Unit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person.教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Module 10 On the radio Unit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. 【学习目标】 利用跳读和细读技巧读懂关于广播的文章并完成题目 说出事件的发展顺序 运用跳读和细读技巧从其他阅读材料中找出具体信息并完成题目 【学习过程】 Step 1 Lead-in Look at the picture and say what it shows. What is the boy? Where is he? What is he doing? (设计意图:用课本上的图片进行猜测,问题设置循序渐进,既是对单词表达的考查,又可以顺利过渡到本课时的主题。) Step 2 Skimming 1.Read the passage and decide where you are likely to see the photo. A. In a book about the history of radio. B. In the life story of a famous radio presenter. C. In a book on how radio works. 2.What is the writers dream? ________________________________________________________________________ (设计意图:要求学生运用跳读的技巧快速浏览全文,从而决定文章的主题和出处。此外,全篇对作者的梦想展开,提问学生作者的梦想,可以更好地帮助学生建立主题意识。) Step 3 Scanning A.Read Para. 1-37-12.Then answer. Was the manager surprised when he know the writers age? How do you know? _________________________________________________________________________ Did the writer do the sound check? Why did they do it? _________________________________________________________________________ Did the writer get the job at last? How do you know? _________________________________________________________________________ (设计意图:全篇由“现在”和“以往”构成,1-3段和7-12段均为对现在情况的描述,中间部分为对过去事件发展的描述。本部分是针对现在情况的描述,问题设置中有理解性的问题,也有细节性问题,并由学生思考答案是如何得出的,培养和锻炼了学生的阅读思维。) B.Read Para. 4,56 and complete. I ___________the I asked for ___ I learnt about __ I got my ______ radio in the living ________jobs _________ and _______in radio. room,__________ in small radio we___________ my favorite presenters. once a week. Order of events: Time 4 years old 9 years old older 15 years old (设计意图:以时间轴为主线,引导学生在完成空格的时候,梳理文章脉络,体会事件叙述的时间顺序,所填内容均为主要的提示信息,可以更好地帮助学生获取关键时刻的主要行为。) Step 4 Read and repeat. (设计意图:跟随点读笔,让学生进行跟读其中的重要语句,既可以锻炼朗读、加深印象,又可以为后面的小组合作复述做铺垫,从而一定程度上降低复述难度。) Step 5 Group-work Retell the life story of the writer in group o


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