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编号: On the Connotations of Color Words in English and Chinese from Cultural Viewpoint 从文化视角探究英汉颜色词地内涵意义 论文作者名称: 作者学号: 所在学院: 所学专业: 导师姓名、职称: 论文完成时间: On the Connotations of Color Words in English and Chinese from Cultural Viewpoint 5E2RGbCAP 从文化视角探究英汉颜色词地内涵意义 #### University May 2018 Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Chen Jingjing, my supervisor, for her patient instructions and constant encouragement. She has made great effort to guide me to finish this paper and walked me through all the stages of the writ ing of it. Without her con siste nt and illu min ati ng in struct ion, this paper could not have reached its prese nt formp1EanqFDPw Second, my heartfelt thanks should go to the professors and teachers at the Departme nt of En glish who have taught me in these years. Their profo und kno wledge in different fields is conductive to the writing of this thesis.DXDiTa9E3d Last my tha nks would go to my beloved family and frie nds whose en courageme nt and assista nee have helped me overcome many difficulties in studRTCrPUDGiT 【Abstract】 Cultural connotation is peoples ethical and moral cognizance and obedie nee, as well as the sta ndards of peoples lifestyle. Color words, obviously, is an vital eleme nt of culture. Due to differe nt values, customs, religi on s, liv ing en vir onment and historical development, Chinese and English reflect their cultural connotations respectively. This paper shows thesimilarities and differences in the connotations of color words in Chinese and English from cultural viewpoint. By comparing, we learn that it is of great importa nce to get well acqua in ted with the cultural conno tati ons of Chinese and English. The study of cultural connotations of color words in both Ian guages makes lear ners to lear n the target Ian guage more efficie ntly and is helpful to cross-cultural com muni cati on and tran slati on as misun dersta nding and disgust ing can be elimi nated5PCzVD7HxA 【Key words 】


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