初中英语_Beautify your composition!教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_Beautify your composition!教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Topic : Beautify your composition ! 教学设计 Learning objectives (学习目标) Language objectives Be able to understand the language beauty of a composition. Be able to write a composition by using writing tips, such as using description words , saying, simile ,saying ,some complex simple sentences or compound sentences to improve your writing skills. Ability objectives Students can enjoy and write a beautiful composition by using the writing skills they’ve learned in class. Moral objectives Strengthen students environmental awareness. Key points and difficult points (重难点) Be able to write a passage by using writing skills of how to make languages more beautiful . Teaching procedures: Step1 Warming up Sing the song heal the world to arouse students’ interest of learning English. Step2 Presentation Learn to use description words and good expressions by comparison . learn how to make sentences more beautiful by doing some exercises. Step3 How to correct Correct the mistakes they students often make in their compositions. Step4 Enjoy the comparison Students enjoy the example comparison from 2013 and give their comments finding out the writing skills. Step5 Writing practice Let the students analyze the writing materials , and find out what to write and how to write. Step6 Give comments each other in a group, then show the students’ compositions. Step8 Extending Strengthen students environmental awareness by making a poster about pollution. Step9 Sum up Step 10 Homework Go on beautifying your composition and make a poster to call on everyone to protect the ocean and the ocean life! 课后反思 本节课在上一节青岛市市北区如何搭建文章框架的基础上,进行字词句等语言细节描写,从遣词造句,谋段成篇的思路来设计这节课, 重点是如何美化自己的语言,如何做到语言连贯,优美,并欣赏2013年范文,最后进行写作与评价, 同时提升学生的环保意识,以做一张海报宣传结束本课。 本节课值得反思的地方是在如何美化自己的语言时,举例有点多,缺乏应有的针对性,对学生写作指导性不强,所以应加强重点训练,突出重点。 学生范文列举有点少,应该多提供几篇,以便起到示范作用。 开始上课时,由于教师指令不太明确,造成小组合作,有些学生不知道要干什么。占用课堂时间较长,没有达到预期的效果。 在以后教学中,我将努力克服这一缺点,使自己的教学日臻完美。


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