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轮机英语翻译课文 LESSON 1 Diesel engines The majority of ships around the world continue to be powered exclusively by diesel engin es. 世界范围内大多数船舶都是采用柴油机作为 动力。 The predomi nance of diesel engines has come from improved engine efficie ncies and desig ns compared to other forms of propulsion such as steam or gas turb in es. 与蒸汽机、燃气轮机等形式的动力装置相比, 无论是效率上的提高,还是设计上的进步,柴油 机都体现出了一定的优势。 Many comb in ati ons and con figurati ons of diesel engine power plant exist. All provide the en ergy to do the work of moving the ship using diesel engin es. 存在有很多种联合形式及结构形式的柴油机 动力装置,他们都能够利用柴油机为船舶提供推 动力。 Slow speed diesel engines 低速柴油机 Slow speed diesel engines are large, especially tall, and heavy and operate on the two-stroke cycle. 低速柴油机是体积较大、缸体较长、机身较重 的二冲程柴油机。 These are the largest diesel engines ever built Engine powers up to 100 OOOkvv are available from a single engine. 它们是己建造过的最大型的柴油机,它们的单 机可用功率可达100000 kWo 批注[81] 批注[81]:重复 较长的缸体能提供一个较长的冲程,有助于提 高柴油机的效率。 The large physical size of the engine and components leads to slow rotational speed with speeds up to 300rpm considered to be slow. 柴油机及其部件的物理体积较大,导致其回转 速度较低,尽管能够加速到300 rpm,但还是被 认为是低速机。 For equivale nt power output, the two-stroke diesel engine is significantly lighter than its comparable four-stroke relative. 对于相同的功率输出,相对于四冲程柴油机, 二冲程柴油机的重量明显轻很多。 This is most apparent for large power requireme nts where the two-stroke engine produces much more power for the same weight. 对于大功率需求场合这是一个最明显的优势, 二冲程柴油机能够在相同的重量情况下,发出更 大的功率。 Large, slow speed, two-stroke marine diesel engines offer the adva ntages of: 大型、低速、二冲程船用柴油机的优点如下: Burning poorer quality, cheaper fuel 燃烧劣 质、低价的燃油 Providing large power from a single, less complicated machi ne compris ing fewer in dividual cyli nders and moving parts 一个仅 有几个独立汽缸和运动部件组成的、 低复杂程 度的柴油机就能提供较大的功率 Having a low rotational speed allowing them to be directly coupled to the propeller and remov ing the n eed for tran smissi on mach inery such as clutches and gearboxes etc, 回转速度较低,能够直接和螺旋桨连接,不需 要像离合器、齿轮箱等的中间传动机构。 Being revers


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